E-A-T is one of the core search quality guidelines of Google that is documented and published online in 2013 for the custom web design pages. This term refers to “Expertise”, “Authoritativeness”, and “Trustworthiness”.
In Google, every webpage is designed to deliver high quality and relevant information to readers. A web page may be of any niche or industry that should serve its purpose and provide benefits to visitors.
In this blog, we will describe E-A-T in a bit detail:
Expertise describes the deep level of understanding and mastery in any specific field of industry. There can be two kinds of expertise, formal and informal. The formal expertise lies in medical, legal, and financial areas. These areas require highly skilled professionals to share their pieces of advice on any kind of issue.
When a searcher types in any query related to medicine, law, and finance, he should find websites that provide subject matter expertise. In case, if anyone looks for the quantity of aspirin for headache or fever, then Google should return an accurate answer to the searcher.
Becoming an authority in the eyes of Google means that a website has a strong brand influence in the field of industry. The website should provide a relevant source of information to readers. A website needs to have positive reviews, ratings, appreciations, endorsements, references, and recommendations from other influencers and the general audience.
Building a vast social media authority is also a good sign for a website to share valuable information to readers. It should provide close interaction with the audience and active participation in brand promotion activities. Creating links with authoritative websites in the same niche industry is also a valuable factor to show ranking authority for a website.
It is all about a trust factor that helps stay visitors for longer with a website. It is not easy to gain trust for any website as it takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. First of all, a website needs to provide legitimate and accurate ghostwriting to readers and win their trust in a particular business and industry.
For any query, a searcher should find a website on the first page of Google search listing and get the right information that he needed online. The home page content should reflect the clear purpose of a website business so are about us and product/services pages. In a contact page, it is essential to share physical address to make sure the real existence of a company.
A website should also create terms and conditions, and privacy policy pages as credible resources for the trust factor. Website security plays a crucial role in building trust and reputation in Google as well as for the audience. Creating the Https and SSL certificates are requirements for any site that help increase ranking and traffic.