What is dyslexic thinking?
Michael Scales
Polymath, Lateral Thinker, Catalyst of change & Entrepreneurial, I think with my whole self, not just my head.
Apart from a con job! Made by dyslexia is a scam.
Dyslexic thinking is:
the commercialisation of a set of traits that are found across multiple Cognitive Neurological Diverse peoples grouped from a minority population & put into boxes by mainstream medical institutions(where a lot of them used to end up), for the purpose of(not hard to guess), the commercialisation of neurological differences of the brain as seen through the lens of white patriarchal capitalism(WPC).
Cynicism you think?
Reality if you’re honest. Disregard the possible good faith intentions for creating it for a time & consider the not so positive repercussions of this further boxing of a population for the purpose of creating commercial value of selected traits to fit into the current system, the status quo.
Let me also say ahead of furthering my perspective I don’t see people as bad for doing what they’re doing.
While some may say this is change, I wholeheartedly disagree & only see it as a minor alteration to fit a selective group into another box in the name of commercially promoting them in a system that fails to change. A system if you look around has created the disastrous world we live in.
I also find it completely ironic that for a group of individuals that promote themselves as thinking outside the box that they could not come up with or create a different word, instead stealing a word that already has a meaning.
Dyslexia, (Kelli Sandman-Hurley: What is dyslexia?
Remember this is already different from the original meaning which is word blindness.
What do we now call that?
It’s something with a genetic predisposition, developed during gestation & supported or negated during childhood through all the forces of simply living.
Maybe Kate isn’t that good a dyslexic thinker!
Remember also, this is an adult construct. So there’s worse to come. Because of the nature of the current system & how it(we) train kids to become plebs/consumers(please see the talks by Sir Ken Robinson), kids given other labels will want a dyslexic label because that comes with a super power. Because that’s what all the (so called) adults in the room are saying. My super power is bla bla bla. More commercials. What a load of crap.??
All this nonsense only serves to create further us v’s them, even within the Cognitive Neuro Diverse community.
More exclusion instead of inclusion.
How the many other conditions in the CND community that can include lateral thinking, of which I am included have to put up with this blatant theft is beyond me.
Here’s a tip. The last person you want to be listening to on this is Richard Branson. He who, as I recall said, the best people to resolve the crisis caused by capitalism (white patriarchal capitalism) is capitalists(white patriarchal). Yeh right. That’s really going well. Anyone looked at the news lately. Misogyny skyrocketing, degradation of efforts to combat the environmental crisis, scrapping of DEI & ESG initiatives, shall I go on. Maybe some self interest in that statement? As too with Kate Griggs. After all it’s her baby & how often did others including myself tell her using the word dyslexia is a bad idea, & she didn’t listen, didn’t want to listen. That’s vested interest for you & less interest in the greater good.
Here’s a surprise.
Even Richard Branson said he didn’t like the word dyslexia on a call in to an event Griggs was holding only to cut him off at the comment. Doubt if you’ll find that footage anywhere.
Here’s something to think about.
You, meaning the people supporting this, want to/aim to train the youth that have some of the greatest natural abilities to actually make REAL change, & instead promote them to supporting the status quo?
Are you nuts???
Talking about parents wanting kids to grow up in their likeness. No wonder the planet is in the state it’s in, a state of continuous crisis.
I cannot argue against reality that Kate Griggs has achieved a monumental feat, one that unfortunately has been constructed with such a narrow perspective to help her intended minority(assuming the motive is truly altruistic, I doubt that), Without any consideration for the other minorities that make up the CND community.
But hey, she had an empire to build(note you can’t access all content on her made by dyslexia website without enabling marketing cookies).
What I cannot understand is all the hurrah & back slapping celebrating for this by others & the enormous amount of people jumping on the bandwagon.
Or can I?
I forget. 1. You don’t want to be a wowser. Can’t have that on LinkedIn. Everything has to be positive & supportive, just look at the choices of reactions you’re allowed to express. No questioning ?? or curiosity ??. This is success.
And 2. Most of it I see as blatant self interest & self promotion for the reward of some form of financial or social gain(everyone wants to be a celebrity/influencer), especially those in the education & psychological fields, plus of course main stream medical & psychiatry. It’s their bread & butter. They own anything to do with the brain right?
At the detriment of the people & kids they’re meant to serve.
I wonder, Who paid who to get LinkedIn to create this by the way? I never saw anything to create a discussion (they do that on so many other things), or gather some sort of consensus. Commercial interests no doubt. There’s that word again. And here I thought this was about kids & a better world. ??Oh there’s our little friend again.
Unfortunately those that do get harmed by this, you know, the kids that commit suicide. Seen much of that lately in the news, I have(maybe you don’t get that in your news feed), because of bullying. They don’t fit in to this new super power group. You know, because they’re the ones that have equal coexisting conditions that create further challenges, different conditions & get teased by those that are supposedly blessed(the elite), or the simple reality not every person labeled as dyslexic has all the good traits in enough abundance to, & can’t actually, perform the expected ‘super power’ thingy. I know others that are diagnosed dyslexic & are not super thinkers. We all do. Regardless of the box label given in any particular group they don’t quite fit the mould.
Aahh, they’re just a minority, let’s not let that spoil it for the rest of us!, that little voice of conformity tells you. Those others, watch them duck for cover to hide their shame if you bother to notice. Alcohol, actually any drug, really will help with that.
Mind you it’s good for business if you’re in the western medical industry.
Yes that’s sarcasm.
See the very thing you’re doing is teaching kids to be the right kind of different & better than others. Such is the act of boxing, a technique to divide, create competition in order to support the status quo of plebs or Haves. White patriarchal capitalism at its best. Get them while they’re young.
Think heroes ????Elon Musk, think Mark Zuckerberg ????♂?, & all the rest of them. This is what YOU are promoting. Note you don’t see ??♀? or ??????. That’s because the status quo precludes it. Yep, the thing you’re supporting.
There’s nothing special about what you’re doing at all. I honestly struggle to see any redeeming features. It’s just more of the same white patriarchal hubris that is destroying the world while complimenting itself on a job well done.
What of the backlash from the non-dyslexic thinkers who have worked hard to get where they’ve got by being normal, that could be interesting.
That’s the other ‘us v’s them’ created. Or do you simply justify it with things like, ‘they’ve had it good for so long, now it’s our turn’. Kinda like the geeks winning over the jocks, and now we have hyper masculinity ?? everywhere, fighting back. Just ask Ze or Putin. Linear thinking, just for a label, is just as necessary & ought be equally valued. Even though it’s not a so called super power. The majority are likely to fight back & kids are kids, it won’t be pretty especially in the current anti woke environment.
Just watch the World Economic Forum’s 54th annual confab of CEO’s & billionaires this week in Davos, Switzerland. Or is this who you’re trying to impress.
I feel a bit ugly somehow saying this, Aren’t the female of our species, of most species, supposed to be the ones to protect the young, give them a chance at a different, better future, of their own design. I will refrain from getting into how men are dropping the ball as they say. Take too long.
I’ll just say this. When good men do nothing!
I’m not adverse to change, far from it, I actually vehemently want CHANGE.
It’s subservience to the status quo.
I am a CND community within myself given my scope of diagnosis. I also have a unique way, style, call it anything other than ‘dyslexic thinking’ thinking that enables me to imagine from the detailed to the global even universal perspective. I simply call it lateral thinking, it’s also known as out of the box thinking, tangential thinking, creative thinking, even simply unconventional thinking, & a lot more. I’ve also amassed a large array of experiences in different fields so I have a polymath’s perspective to draw on. They’re not the same by the way. What it is not, & does Not belong to, is dyslexia & definitely does NOT belong to Kate Griggs.
Personally I find all this upsetting in my stomach, and I’m not the only one, because I have no difficulty seeing the harm that it can do, & experience tells me will likely do. You may think it’s just collateral damage for a greater good & I’ll label that more hubris.
I ask you to challenge yourself & to imagine how you’re going to gloss over another child’s suicide that’s caused by not fitting in to the latest ‘In Crowd’, the fashion of dyslexic thinkers.
What will it be? Not my kid? Or selective blindness?
And what happens when there are so many of these so called dyslexic thinkers that it’s no longer special. Now you think you can teach something that is a neurological anomaly. One of my professors, head of Forensic Psychology, informed me as a dyslexic himself, lateral thinkers can learn to think linear however linear thinkers cannot learn to think laterally. It’s the wiring, it’s different.
And, It may very well become more diverse.
That is especially when (if) medicine actually catches up on its backlog of understanding the female situation/ perspective of CND’s, & maybe this version is no longer that special.
Is there female dyslexic thinking & male dyslexic thinking?
Stop ?.That’s okay I hear you say. We have pretty boxes for that, & a new ad campaign. ??
Ever heard the saying, ‘It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it.’
This is Not the way you do it.
This is Not change & definitely is NOT progress.
Please ??. Try. Consider a different perspective. A different status quo.
You may tell me the current WPC is too strong, too ingrained into society.
Is that cowardice or subservience, or survival or aspiration of riches & fame.
It’s SAD.
We need more people to put self interest aside & challenge WPC. Put people, planet & future generations ‘before’ hubris drive for profit & power.
Not a fan Kate, & Richard, you ought know better. Wasted talent, & opportunity.
As for the rest of you. Where’s your moral compass ??.