What is a DTC brand's best tool? 4 unique ways to utilize IGC
Kynship has generated almost $100M for our clients using simple videos from regular people.?
Influencer Generated Content is photos or videos about your product submitted by someone with an audience between 5K to 150K. It’s one step above UGC, which is the second-best thing for your brand.
The most important thing you can do in the world of online shopping is this: Make people trust you. IGC is the best way for a brand to generate trust. It’s the modern version of “word of mouth”. Get creative with it and watch your sales skyrocket.
1. Using IGC in your Facebook/IG ads.
IGC is great when it exists on an influencer’s IG or TikTok feed, but utilizing it in your paid ads can result in a better return than any other ad if used correctly. We see IGC perform up to 30-50% better than just UGC.
A popular person’s face is a scroll stopper, and the content made by an awesome influencer is better than what you could create yourself. If the influencer is genuinely enthusiastic about your product, this is a recipe for success.
2. Using IGC on a landing page.
Let’s take your paid ads one step further. If you’re running ads with an influencer, it becomes an even stronger form of social proof to see the influencer’s face on the landing page that you’re sending traffic to.
This is an opportunity to showcase more photos or gifs of the influencer using the product, putting their name behind a collection or bundle of products, or highlighting the “influencer’s favorites”. And the best part?
They don’t have to be a celebrity for this to work! Anyone with a strong audience will be able to leverage their image to convince people that your products are valid, useful, and high-quality.
3. Using IGC in Pinterest Ads.
Pinterest is one of the most visual platforms online, and it’s a huge source of traffic for a lot of our clients. If an influencer is shown using your product amidst a sea of random products and random people, that’ll stick out like a sore thumb in the best way possible.
Since Pinterest is great for discovery, your top-of-funnel can be multiple photos on Pinterest of your influencers. This makes you extremely competitive because nobody seems to be doing this right now.
4. Using IGC in Email Marketing.
My agency doesn’t offer email as a service, but our clients consistently report that the IGC we collect makes email performance better than ever. “Influencer highlight” campaigns are great for social proof and building trust with a list of people who have never bought from you.
Some key subject lines you can use for IGC email marketing: Here’s what you and {{influencer}} have in common… {{Influencer}} has a message for you. How to dress just like {{influencer}}
Using IGC the right way can put you ahead of your competition faster than any other trick or hack. And if you want to learn more about how my agency can collect hundreds of influencer assets for your brand every month, my DMs are open!
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