What is Dry Dating?
Our Life's Moments
Your Dating and Marriage Coach. I serve as a bridge between you and the relationship goals you desire.??
We ladies, are now normally engaged into drinking alcohol because it is enjoyable and you can be your wildest self when you do it. Some do it because they think that it will solve their problems. But no, it won't. You will just temporarily forget it but you'll remember it afterwards. It can even make your problem worse. It will also change our decision making, the way we handle ourselves, the way we handle relationships, which can affect us in a long run.?
When we are under the influence of alcohol, our brains cannot think as clearly as when we our "dry". There is a thing called Dry Dating which is advisable to us, ladies when we go out. It is going on dates without the influence of alcohol. We drink occasionally on weekends as it is our days off so we will not have hang over at work. So you normally have your dry Dating at weekdays. But little did you know you can also do it on weekends, you just need to control yourself and have self discipline.?
Most of us, will usually have sex with a man that we just first met on a date when we are drunk. And we will regret that thing we made the day after. There is more possibilities for us to be a victim of sexual abuse or harassment when we drank alcohol without proper control. It can even lead to getting totally raped which will give you a very huge trauma that may affect your whole way of living, and will limit your next moves in the future. And to avoid that to happen, absence of alcohol is suggested.?
This is not just implemented into first time dates but also when you are already in a relationship. Whenever you and your partner are fighting, we are more likely to say hurtful words when we drank beers, and it can even lead you into a Physical fight. which will make you regret in the morning and question yourself, "Why did I do that? It made everything worse". It is very traumatizing. So it is better to stay away from alcohol because making decisions with an alcohol free mind is way better than that.?
Imagine being your pure self and enjoying every moment with an alert mind spending your time with your friends, family or your partner, casually having dry dates in the park, having a healthy conversation, and planning your future together. It will give you a better life and will create less to no trauma at all.
?If you want to know how to create healthy relationships, reach out to me. I know Coach Michelle via WhatsApp at?592-694-9614. We would be more than happy to help you on your journey!