What is DRM and why is it important?
In the fast-paced modern world of smartphones, tablets, emails, texts, and social media it is easier than ever before for consumers and staff to communicate and share data. However, without proper control of this openness and ability to share rapidly, businesses run the risk of leaving themselves exposed to data leakage and insider theft. One of the biggest failings of many organizations is their inability or inexperience around adequately protecting the sensitive and critical data within their organization. This is where DRM (Data Rights Management) can be of tremendous significance.
DRM or IRM (Information Rights Management) as it is known to some, is the exercise of imposing technological restrictions that control the access level as well as what users can do with your sensitive data (Such as PCI or PII for example). When a system is designed to prevent you from accessing or sharing a file, forwarding or printing an email, reading an eBook on another device, you are being restricted by DRM. In other words, the Data Rights Management software is preventing you from either accessing, copying, forwarding, printing or sharing the data you require.
“The key to effective DRM is that it should not interfere with or hinder the work and day to day running of an organization†– Ryan Lott
How does DRM work?
DRM works by enabling organizations to apply encryption technology around any and all data they deem necessary for protection. Encrypting data gives organizations the ability to scramble or restrict access to data in such a way that only someone with certain access privileges i.e. passwords, security clearances or access rights can see, access, manipulate, print, and share the data.
Yeah sure but why is DRM important in business?
In any organization, certain elements of your data are vital, nay legally required to be protected, and should only be accessed by the few who have that need-to-know for sensitive data. With the ease of sharing large files these days, insider theft and data breaches are actually on the rise at an alarming rate - According to a report on USAToday.com - A staggering 43% of companies have experienced a data breach in the past year, up 10% on the prior year!
Furthermore did you know…. Despite a rise in data breaches, at the end of 2014, almost a quarter of companies did not have a data breach response plan in place! That could be your organization's data or even your personal information that is out there totally unprotected from theft, hackers, and fraud.
Thankfully now with the emergence of DRM software, such as our SmarterDLP solution organizations can take back control of their data. The latest DRM solutions offer flexibility and monitoring to CISO’s, making data security, compliance and ongoing monitoring easier than ever before.
What makes the SmarterDLP Digital Rights Management different?
The unique technology and encryption within our DRM solution provides CISO’s, and their respective organizations total security and control of their data both inside and outside of their network. The advanced system gives the CISO the ability to add DRM to any and all sensitive data, meaning that data taken outside of the organization is still protected and secure. It does this by adding untraceable coding to the file itself, so that whenever access is requested, the individual data calls home (The software accesses the internet and contacts the respective server to check permissions) to check on the user’s access rights (i.e. do this user's current access rights allow them to; view, edit, print, copy, screenshot, forward this information). If the user does not meet the necessary DRM requirements, then the file will either not open or only limited commands will become available to the user. Furthermore, this data security technology is applied and enforced no matter where or what media (smartphone, tablet, laptop, company network server, CD, or even on a USB Flash drive) the data resides. Something we refer to as Persistent Protection for your data.
The SmarterDLPTM DRM solution also offers active control of data access, meaning that at any time, a CISO or Head of Security can change the access rights or level of security around a given file. Once a change is made the DRM settings are instantly applied, meaning all versions of this file are protected. This gives great flexibility and means when the user next tries to access the file, the file will ‘call home’ to the server to make sure they can still access the file still. To further ensure the security of offline versions the SmarterDLPTM solution also has protocol settings which can be set by the CISO to revoke or limit the number of days a file is available offline. These added security features are particularly useful when a staff member has left an organization or when an employee had changed roles internally when they had previously been involved in the handling of critical or sensitive data.
- One dashboard – The SmarterDLPTM DRM solution could not be easier to use, as it runs predominately from one single dashboard, offering CISO’sunrivaled ease of use and ability to see at a snapshot the security and accessing levels of their data. The DRM dashboard also allows for deeper more granular reporting enabling CISO’s to see quickly and create custom reports based on Dates, Times, users, and the location of their data – meaning less time reporting and more time to protecting yourorganization.
In Summary
The SmarterDLP solution offers organizations the best possible DRM technology, enabling them to safeguard and secure all PCI, PII, and other sensitive data, no matter where it may be stored. The tool is designed to make implementing DRM easier, and the reporting of it simplified. It does this by automating and applying (untraceable) end to end encryption technology around all necessary files, then offering the CISO a simple user interface for the ongoing management/reporting of this data.
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