What is driving you currently? Fear; Money; Duty…

What is driving you currently? Fear; Money; Duty…

We may not recognize what is driving us but there’s always a factor behind whatever is it we are doing.

From breathing to dancing to crying to spending time with loved ones…everything we do is because of some reason.

Just let that reason be inspiring- to you & others.?

Faith over Fear

Passion over Money

Love over Duty

The right reason will lead you towards contentment!

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You know when we are in our prime, be it when we are young or in power or come into a lot of money, our thinking is very different and then when we see life up, close & personal, it changes our thought process.?

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We all want to be teachers, not learners. However, we miss the point that we can only teach well by becoming a learner.?


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It’s like leading by example! So if you want to teach someone something, be it your child, friend, colleague, parents; practice what you preach.?

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But ??, we have one responsibility- to build our childrens' life- teach them to live a life of grace, compassion & confidence and for that, this is what we need to follow first & then teach our children.





