What Drives Our Behaviors?
Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression? is available 24 hours a day around the world.

What Drives Our Behaviors?

Yes, what does drive our behaviors? The mind is so complex. Dr. Sigmund Freud believed that what people suffered from in adult life stemmed from a traumatic event early in childhood. He was right and yet he couldn’t find a consistent method to find an early childhood trauma using hypnosis. This was further complicated when science no longer subscribed to hypnosis as real science in the late 1800’s and ordered it stopped as a psychotherapeutic tool.?

Freud committed suicide in 1939, without proving his theory.

In 2009, after standing on the edge of a building contemplating my own suicide as a retired Navy Veteran, I thought I heard a voice saying, “Turn around, I have something more for you to do.” A few months later I created Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression? (RBCR).?

In doing so, I found a consistent way to help my clients find and stop the triggering around an amnesic-like, early childhood memory.?

This non-linear, Q & A sequencing model stops repetitive behaviors such as Post Traumatic Stress, Suicide Ideation, multiple relationships/marriages, procrastination, self-sabotage, etc. It has also made a significant difference for those dealing with Military Sexual Trauma.?

RBCR is an online process that is done without meds, psycho-therapy, counselling, or office visits.

With suicide on the rise in teens and within our military families and veterans, RBCR can make a significant difference in reducing SUICIDE IDEATION and relieving the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress..?

Like Dr. Freud, I believe that a severe emotional event that occurred to a person in early childhood can cause amnesia-like symptoms. I view amnesia as a protection mechanism and nothing more.?

There is evidence that when amnesia is treated shortly after an event, success is assured.?

However, when no-one knows the event occurred, the amnesia is set in place to actively block all attempts to recover the event in short-term memory.?

Through my research, I found that when other “highly emotional” events occur in a person’s life, they are placed in short-term memory. The deflection system holds onto these memories and keeps them from being sorted and stored, resulting in the person playing the events over and over in their mind.?

The result is a perfect deflection system that only understands linear thought.?

RBCR does not include linear thought. This process uses the 5 senses in abstract thought.?

When this tool is deployed, the defection system is disconnected. When this occurs, the amnesic memory is identified and can be neutralized along with all the other memories with high emotional connection. The result is neutralization of the post traumatic stress and repetitive behaviors such as SUICIDE IDEATION, self-sabotage, and Imposter Syndrome.

The CR Process is a 30 Day process. I have conducted over 140 RBCR Sessions: 128 were completed in one session, 5 never finished the process, and 6 required 1 or more continuation sessions.?

Client Demographics?

Gender: Male and female

Age Range: 16 to 77 -

Education: Non-high school graduates to multiple PhDs, Veterans (combat and non-combat), and Civilians -

Economic: Below poverty line to professional income.?

This shows a very consistent 92% success rate.

To find out more information and to read my White Papers go to: www.EvolutionaryHealer.com/the-cr-process

My company is currently doing business in 6 languages, on 6 continents, in 13 countries, and 27 US states.?

Ambassador Terry Earthwind Nichols International Speaker Strategist

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