What they don't tell you about Mentors/Coaches/Trainers...
What they don't tell you about Mentors/Coaches/Trainers...
I used to watch a lot of YouTube videos on how to start businesses, make money and invest. You learn a lot from the likes of Robert Kiyosaki, Gary Vee and Warren Buffet etc. who are at the top of the game and these people I considered my mentors.
The trouble is that we think we "know" once we've read a certain book or watched a documentary or YouTube tutorial and I'm no different. With all the knowledge I had accumulated, there was no way I could fail...
But I did... Miserably??
Thinking and doing are very different things.
"To know and not to do, is not yet to know"
I felt like a failure because I was so focused on the next shiny object that I wasn't actually getting anywhere and my results reflected that.
Why do you think we get stuck in this loop?
?1. learn something new
?2. think we know
?3. attempt
?4. fail
?5. give up and blame circumstance
?6. repeat
It starts to break down at the beginning where we think we know something after learning it once.
For many, it only takes one failure to give up completely, which is pretty harsh when you think about it.
Imagine if babies did that? We would all be crawling around these days.
What can you do to improve the odds of success?
Become a baby... No but seriously, remember how a baby learns and becomes successful at multiple things at once.
They do the following:
?1. Learn from someone who is successful at that task
?2. Be guided through the process
?3. Receive feedback
?4. Consistently test & refine
One of the biggest reasons I have a mentor, is that he knows how to snap me out of anxiety and worry, because anxiety is the thief of all our dreams.
Everything that is holding us back is inside our heads.
A good mentor/coach/trainer will always challenge you.
Think about it, if you agree with what your mentor tells you, wouldn't you already be doing it?
Your life will transform beyond measure when you choose a mentor who is SUCCESSFUL at what you want to achieve.
Your life will transform when you choose to listen and take action on what your mentor teaches, especially if it doesn't make sense to you, because that's the secret sauce you're missing.
If you feel stuck and not sure how to move forward, choose to invest in yourself by getting a mentor/coach/trainer.
I cannot express my appreciation enough to all the mentors out their transforming lives and paying it forward ??