What Donald Trump taught me
Manyara Kirago
I help successful professionals become financially independent and secure with dependable passive income through optimized resource allocation and rental real estate acquisition.
Love him or hate him, you’ve got to admit that the man knows business – he built his father’s real estate business into a billion dollar empire. In the eighties, Trump wrote a best-selling book “The Art of the Deal” and immediately it was published I bought a copy. I loved the book so much that I read it cover to cover several times.
One of the lessons I learnt from the book is how to decide whether or not to go for a deal. Trump taught that one should look at the most one could gain, the up-side, and the worst case scenario the most one stood to lose or what he called the down-side. If the up side is very appealing and the down side something one could handle, Trump recommended you should go for the deal.
With Moneyskills course, the upside is an improved financial life with more money, less debt, less stress and achieved goals. On the downside, because of the money-back guarantee, there is no financial loss. The only possible loss is the time you would have spent going through the course. So go to “The next steps to manifest your financial transformation” and sign up. Donald Trump would recommend!
Have a blessed weekend.