What Donald Can Learn From Jackson
Howard Pulchin
Catalyst, Creative, Connector. Advocate for LGBTQ+ equality and committed non-profit board member. Proponent for intergenerational curiosity, work and doing. Committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Imagine if everyone took advantage of learning new ways and new things each day.
Imagine if we took the time to do so.
Imagine if those who hold "power" today did.
So, in the spirit of my 2018 resolve tostrive to work toward better, and in recognition of the lessons I learn daily from "the force" in our lives, I offer Donald a few lessons he could learn from Jackson.
Lessons we all can learn. And practice.
Be and Stay Curious
We never know what our walks with Jackson will be like. There are those moments in which we get outdoors and we stand, firmly in place, looking around. Looking right and looking left. Being mesmerized by a car pulling up. Curious as to who is getting out. Or curious to the car coming down the road. And wanting to chase after it. Jackson is extremely curious. He loves new places. He loves looking around corners. And he loves discovering what's behind closed doors and where stairways lead. He can be as curious to the bird flying overhead or the child playing in the hall. Curiosity keeps his life interesting. And it keeps us curious to what he finds so damn fascinating.
Find the Good in Everyone
Along with his curiosity, Jackson makes no judgements about people. Everyone -- regardless of age, gender, sexual identity, race, religion -- has equal potential to be Jackson's friend. I love the fact that everyone is the same in Jackson's mind and actions. He is open to everyone. And he in turn, treats everyone in those moments of interaction, as the most important person in his life...until his curiosity takes over (again).
Start the Day Actively
Sure, Jackson loves lying around and can be a creature of habit. But open the door, and let "Action Jackson" emerge. We run. We play frisbee. We keep moving. Mornings are for exercise. Not for tweeting.
This is so simple. And as I have learned as I get older later, we can learn something from everyone. And yes, Jackson is our dog and we can learn from our dogs who don't carry the baggage that we as humans may.
We have met so many people because of Jackson. People often ask us if we are Jackson's Dads. Dogs open us up to new conversations and to meeting people we ordinarily wouldn't have.
Dogs are fascinating creatures who are constantly fascinated by the worlds they rule. And they do it without words, without criticism, without hate. They do it with open minds and open hearts. Something Donald can certainly stand to learn.