What is a domain name? (Beginners Guide)
The domain name is the visible part of the website. Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address, which is a series of numbers that can be used to identify it. For convenience and ease of use, it was decided to combine each IP address with a different name: domain name. The correspondence between domain names and IP addresses is provided by DNS (Domain Name System).
That way, when you type a website address (for example freewareshome.com) into your internet browser, DNS looks for an IP address that matches its name, finds its location in the network, and reports the information.
The domain name is used for all Internet-related services: website hosting, email addresses, etc.
The structure of a domain name
A domain name is made up of:
The name mostly corresponds to the name of a brand, company, association, or person. It can be any character (from A to Z and from 0 to 9) plus a hyphen.
Picking a domain name is typically free. For whatever length of time that it doesn’t exist! This is the acclaimed early bird who gets the worm rule.
The suffix, also commonly referred to as the domain name extension, corresponds to the classification of the domain.
In this way, we can identify different “categories” of domains by geographic origin (.com.gh, .es, .it, .us) or their activity (.com for commercial purposes, .asso for associations, .org for organizations)
How to Get a Domain Name
Getting your domain name is not difficult. You can register and buy domain names from various companies. Typically, a domain name costs around $ 14.99 / year from popular companies like Namecheap.com. Since you purchased, a domain name doesn’t mean you have a site. You will need website hosting. This is the reason we suggest that you get a domain name from Namecheap.
In Summary
The domain name is what makes it easy to identify a website. It is made up of a name and its domain extension, depending on its activity.
The domain name is essential for the identity of any brand, company, legal, or physical person wishing to position themselves on the Internet.