What is a Matterport dollhouse?
When talking to people who aren’t overly familiar with virtual tours, there are a couple of subjects that are met with some confusion. One of these subjects is the dollhouse.
So, time to throw a little light on the subject!
In a Matterport 3D virtual tour, the dollhouse is a three-dimensional representation of the space that’s been scanned and is usually the very first thing users will see when starting a tour. Working almost like an intro sequence, adding a bit of the wow factor to the tour, the dollhouse provides the user with an initial bird’s eye view of the space before zooming into the model and dropping them at the start point of their exploration of the space within.
But the dollhouse isn’t just a cool intro, it can be navigated to at any time from within the main tour. The 3D dollhouse is fully interactive, it can be rotated, moved, and zoomed into and away from, giving the user a greater overall picture and understanding of the shape and layout of the space. It also provides a quick way for users to navigate to a different area within the space, essentially jumping back into the space without having to “walk” there from another part of the tour. Imagine being able to give the user the ability to quickly fly between your hotel lobby and the spa, and then directly to the restaurant with just a few simple clicks?
As with the tour itself, the more data that can be captured during the scanning process, the more detailed the dollhouse will be, resulting in a slicker and more polished presentation of the space to display and ultimately a far richer experience for the user.
The dollhouse experience can be further enhanced for the user with the addition of room labels that help the user understand the nature of each area of the space, and also include interactive tags that can contain important information about an area or feature within the space. These interactive tags can contain copy, images, video, and hyperlinks, all delivering vital information to the user that helps keep them engaged and informed about the space.
With virtual tours engaging users for over three times longer than static sites, the inclusion of the dollhouse is a must to truly showcase a space and provide a potential customer with an amazing overview of the scale and layout of a space.
#virtualtour #digitaltwin #3dscanning #matterport