What does YOUR reflection show for 2014?
Maria L. Peel--MBA Candidate
Leadership Development Manager / Coach / Key Note Speaker / Certified Facilitator / Trainer
As I reflect on my journey of 2014 which has been absolutely outstanding, I pondered a few questions which I thought would be great to share. With the start of 2015 we must embrace the new and release the old. An important part of preparing for the New Year is to review the past year, we must release it & learn from it so we can advance in our journey of success and development.
I hope that you take time out of your busy schedule this holiday season to reflect on where you are and where you've been. Reflect upon what you did, how you felt, what you liked, what you didn't and what you learned.
Here's a few questions to start with:
What did you accomplish?
What would you have done differently and why?
What were your most significant events of the year past?
What were the fun things you did?
What were your biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
What was / is your progress towards achieving you SMART goals?
Here is a link about additional Year End Reflections and questions to ponder:
Go full steam ahead in "2015" and continue to do your best on your journey of success...... MLP
Maria L. Peel
Independent Contractor (Trainer / Facilitator)
[email protected]