What does your product or service trigger?
Marlon Tseng
Banking, Pix In, Payout, Remittences, Instant Payment, Fintech, Latin America Payment Solutions.
On Friday night after work I find myself having meal in Mcdolnald's.
I am working in China as expat for over 4 years and I could not help to start to think about why I end up in McDonald's at Friday Night. Not only that but I also realized I often go to McDonald's without realizing that I am going or decided to go. It's almost like a habit that McDonald's successfully created on me along the years.
So I looked around and I realized that the environment in McDonald's were divided into 3 category:
1- Family with their Kids
2- Teenagers with their Friends, around 3-5 people
3- Some couple and Single people.
The majority in the McDonald's were people from category 1 and 2. Then I realized McDonald's have been targeting your family and you for a very long time, trying to create special memories and experience since your childhood.
They did this work so perfectly, that every time you are feeling into go to McDonald's it because they successfully triggered you some kind of good feelings you had with your family or friends and make you want to have same feeling by going there.
This at least fit's perfectly in my case. I personally do not like junk food and I am well aware that eating McDonald's will bring zero benefits for my body (specially I am in my 30's now), but I still go there frequently cause I miss those feeling been home with family, with friends, this is even stronger when you are abroad.
So companies that could establish a deep trigger into their costumers during their LTV by providing significant experience in their service or product will be successful in acquire a recurrent and loyal costumers. This trigger is so powerful that is rooted in your mind and can make your client buy or consume even unconsciously about their acts.
How about your company, what does it trigger to your clientes or customers?