What does your LinkedIn activity say about you?
I asked myself this having started to notice a pattern with some of my LinkedIn connections activity over recent times. I noticed that the tone of the articles posted or shared or liked were generally negative and this made me stop to ask myself "how do I come across?". I like to think of myself as a glass half full person but was that how I portrayed myself to the outside world?
So I ran a little exercise to see.
I looked back at the last ten pieces of activity on LinkedIn and scored them as Positive, Negative or Neutral. The view I adopted was this- judge the article I've written/posted, shared or liked by whether it is promoting good news, commenting on bad news or if I couldn't score either way then mark it as Neutral. I went with ten items because it wouldn't take too long and I am not as active as others.
I know this isn't scientific but why not score yourself and see if your activity matches how you a) consider yourself and b) want to portray yourself to the LinkedIn community. If you're a high volume contributor then maybe look back at the last 20 pieces of activity. You don't need to share your score but it would be interesting to learn people's thoughts on this.
By the way, I scored largely positive.