What does your DP convey about you?
Madhuri Bedekar
Communication coach l IELTS I PTE / OET / TEFL & TESOL facilitator I
It has always interested me to observe how people chose their DP (display image) on different social networking sites. What do they think while choosing it? What's on their mind? Why people frequently change their DP, whereas some hardly change it, maybe once or twice a year. Whether professional or personal, people are very particular about setting their dp (display picture).
The fact is, our social media profile picture is actually a door to our soul. ... According to a study, social media users can be grouped into one of the Big Five model personality traits – openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism – based on their profile picture alone, says Google.
Many studies reveal that a dp reflects a person's personality trait. Whether you love posting a selfie or a group pic or an adventurous pic, it says a lot about you. According to experts, each personality trait has a specific way of setting a profile picture.
We often choose that pic of ours for DP, the way we want us to be known, or we want the world to see us. A professional, a doctor, an adventure loving person, a new mother with a baby who loves her new identity, newly weds love to convey the world that they are now with their partner and are living best phase of life. Swimmers post pics of swimming and so on.
There are people who are very secretive or are not so confident about their looks due to aging or weight issues or anything else prefer not to keep a profile pic at all. They prefer to keep a flower or bird or anything from nature or some deity. At times I have also observed there are people whom we speak for a very long time and still we do not know how they look because they never have a DP of themselves.
Then comes a category of people who never like to share a DP with their spouse. They will gladly keep it with parents, or kids or even colleagues but not the spouse! They are always single in their profile pics. These people are either not happy to share that they have a spouse or probably do not want anyone to know who their spouse is, strange!
There are people who are extroverts. They are more likely to have a profile picture with several faces in it. They are also likely to portray a younger image either through the use of a picture from years ago or with them posing with younger people. Why? They take time to accept the fact that we all age. These people often are attention seekers. Always post pictures with groups and try to look younger than age
Many people often have profile pictures other than faces. They often have a profile pic wearing glasses showing or revealing less emotions in pic. These may be introverts or secretive
People who have a display image which is usually blurry, not so sharp, but with pleasant colors in it tend to be more agreeable. Take time to make decisions.
Then comes a personality trait who chose a picture usually with a happy smile and charming face. These people are very conscientious. Very orderly and particular. They prefer to show only their faces. These people prefer to look mature than what they are.
Users who usually use dull images with not so pleasant colors, sometimes with negative emotions in images tend to show neuroticism.
I have also seen people using their departed grandparents or a family member's pic as deep in his or her remembrance. This is something one must avoid I feel because how the world has to do with it. In fact, it can also give some negative vibes.
Continuous changing DP shows the person is an attention seeker and wants social approval of his/her looks and is highly insecure. Another reason could be boredom where a person is glued to the social sites and keep changing images for the sake of nothing.
On the contrary, the one who rarely change his /her DP is either not much bothered of people's opinion or will change only when he/she gets another "perfect click"
Our DP often tells a lot about us. Students or one can say the youngsters often like to put a DP of party pics, pics with drinks, with friends.. Professionals often put up a DP with formal outfits, addressing a meet, standing on the dais, or meeting a celebrity because they want to convey that they are always at work and are truly professional.
Our choice of our profile pic often speaks a lot about our lifestyle, our outlook and our thought process and the image we want to carry in our social group. Informal pics often show us as an easy going person.
It is always better to select your display image carefully. At the same time one must understand that a DP is just 0.1% of what you truly are. There is a lot more behind the screen.
Actor/filmmaker/photographer/writer Instagram:: geet_sharma26
2 年This is absolutely brilliant!! I have come across so many attention seekers who usually put a group photo as a DP.. sometimes they aren't even properly seen in the picture.