What does your committed relationship with money look like?

What does your committed relationship with money look like?

I have been on a journey with money probably over the last 2 years. On and off I’ve been focused on my money mindset and unraveling my hard-wired money beliefs. And we all have those. But most of the time we don’t think about having limiting beliefs around money. And we hardly ever question what we actually believe about money.?

When I left my corporate job and my cushy salary to go all in on my business, I had to face my money mindset. There is just no way around it. Or minimum, I did not see a way around it if I wanted to be one day making more money while working less. I realized that I am not satisfied anymore with the status quo and the beliefs that most people have about money.

What money truly is

What I have discovered over the last 2 years is that money is just energy. Like anything else money is an energy and a resource that is available to us to live our lives. And any meaning that we give it, is just the meaning that we give it. It does not have a meaning in itself. What money means to us has been formed by money beliefs we collected or inherited, observations we made from people around us and then ultimately what we made money mean to us since we look after ourselves.?

What we made money to be?

What makes money so special is that there are very strong opinions all around us, in our society. But when it comes down to it, what is money truly? We use money to trade resources. Hundreds and thousands of years ago, most humans used other things to trade. Like fruit or vegetables from their gardens. Or their animals. Or anything they created themselves.?

Then we came up with money but we don’t see it anymore just as a resource that helps us trade. We elevated money to one of the highest positions in our lives. We give it a higher meaning than it really needs to have and even wants. And because we lifted it up so high, we made it harder to reach, to get and to keep.?

As if it’s an elusive lover that we could never convince to be in a relationship. As if it’s the holy grail to everything we ever dreamed of. But really, money in itself does not give you that. Money just gives you the ability to get what you want.?

Would you want to date yourself?

In this article, I invite you to look at what your current relationship looks like with money. That’s what I am currently doing myself. I know I don’t have the best relationship with money YET, so I want to work on it. If I reflect on how I think about money, how I behave towards money and how I often feel about money, no wonder that money is not chasing me. I would not want to be in that relationship with myself if I were money. Does that make sense to you?

Think about this. When you observe yourself in your relationship with money, would you want to date yourself? Would you feel loved, cared for, respected, and desired if you were money in your relationship? Isn’t that the most mind-blowing perspective you ever heard about money?

You are in a committed relationship with money

We are all in a committed relationship with money. There is no way around it. The science of quantum physics and quantum entanglement shows us that we are connected with everyone and everything we come in contact with. For the rest of our lives, our cells and energy are connected. Obviously, this applies as well to money. And given how much we talk, think, complain, argue and worry about money, that relationship is pretty committed. The question is if it’s a good relationship to be in.?

Is it a good relationship to be in?

If you are overly controlling about money then you are sending the signal that you don’t trust it. You don’t trust that it keeps coming, or that it’s going to be enough. If you are worrying about it all the time, then you are giving a sign that you don’t believe in the money’s commitment to you. As if it’s going to run off and never come back. If you are complaining about money and calling it evil, problematic and bad then you are giving the sign that you don’t really like and especially do not love money.?

Just think about it from the perspective of a relationship with a person. What if your partner controls you, worries all the time if you are really committed, constantly complains about you and calls you evil, problematic and bad? How quickly are you going to get out of this relationship and run off? Pretty quickly, right? Well, what do you think money is doing? Maybe the same?

If you were money…

Be honest with yourself. If you are money, would you be married, committed or in a relationship with yourself? In my own case, I honestly can say no. The way that I think about, treat and feel about money, nope, I would not want to date myself. And this is the perfect opportunity to do something about it.?

I am so grateful for this new way of looking at money. My thanks go to Kathrin Zenkina, my favourite manifestation and money coach. She has shared this daring perspective, it has gotten me thinking and now I am sharing it with you. This is my way of promising money to do better and work on our relationship.

Create a new relationship with money

I want to create a new relationship with money. And this new way of thinking about it truly helps me with that. Until now I only focused on removing limiting beliefs and money blockages in my subconscious mind. And that’s truly important, too.?

One of my earlier episodes, number 39, was about how to discover and let go of the limiting money beliefs that we collect during our lives. Listen to that episode to learn more about that step in the process. I’ve been doing so much work in this area that I know it’s time to move on and do something else. And when I asked for it, it came in this new way of looking at money.?

This perspective blows my mind

This analogy is so fricking powerful. It gives us so many layers and points to look at. So many opportunities to improve our energetic connection with money so it can do what’s it here to do. To serve us, to provide for us, to support us to experience this life on earth. It’s a completely neutral tool that is available to us. And if we wanted to, we could use it to have all the money necessary to fulfil our desires.

But instead, we allow all these layers of societal money beliefs to cloud our connection. We take on these glasses of other people’s viewpoint of money and use them as if they are the truth. But they are not. They are just glasses that we can take off if we want to. None of these beliefs are the truth because you can always find people or examples where it does not apply. And if it’s not 100% applicable to every person, then it’s not a fact and not the truth.

Imagine how to “treat” money

So what kinds of glasses would be helpful for you to take off and literally throw into the bin? How do you want your relationship with money to truly look like? If you want money to serve you, provide for you and support you, how do you imagine you better “treat” money going forward??

The answers to these questions will show you how money has shown up for you up until this point in your life. Shifting your beliefs and shifting your behaviours in your relationship with money will massively tip the scales. You are going to open up floodgates to a level of abundance that you can’t even imagine. That’s what I wish will happen for you and obviously myself.?

Money like the universe is on the frequency of being there for you, to protect you and to support you. It all depends on how open you are to receiving it.?

‘Money Loves Me’ Subliminal

To help us change our perspective and our subconscious programming, I created a subliminal . Listening to it while you work, drive your car or even sleep will help you install new money beliefs in your subconscious mind. I have been listening to it for hours in the last couple of days.?

Enjoy changing your money beliefs and your relationship with money after this article and with the help of the subliminal. I can’t wait to rebuild my relationship with money. I will keep you posted on how it goes.


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