What does the word anti-immigrant mean? - ?Qué significa la palabra antiemigrante?
Humphrey Humberto Pachecker
President Court AICAC-HR WA DC. General Commissioner Human Rights Brigadier General-ABA Vice Chair FLC International Law
What does the word anti-immigrant mean? ‘One who opposes immigration’. But it is really a name, actually is an incorrect and very inaccurate designation, since 90% of Americans call themselves anti-immigrants of “illegal, undocumented immigrants and 90% in favor of legal, documented immigration.”
They are not anti-immigrants, they are afraid of losing their own national identity. We could call them nationalists. Those who, faced with the danger of illegal immigration of undocumented immigrants, feel the need to take a position of self-preservation, an instinctive impulse to protect ourselves from external harm and ensure our own survival. See full article enter here: https://courtaicac-hr.us/what-does-the-word-anti-immigrant-mean-que-significa-la-palabra-antiemigrante/