What does TRUST look like, from a Māori perspective?
Gretchen Leuthart (middle) with the Be Collective Aotearoa team (from left: James, Alex, Janie). Photographer: Lauren

What does TRUST look like, from a Māori perspective?

“I had to look at where are we privileged,” says Community Development Advisor Gretchen Leuthart. “That’s confronting. We used our bravery muscle.”   

Gretchen was our recent Te Paepae guest (experts sharing their knowledge). She presented her Master’s research on what trust looks like, from a Māori perspective. 

As part of her research, she worked with Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand on a project that included Parihaka, Taranaki. Her research was understanding how to honour relationships with Māori.  And trust was at the heart of her findings. 

Gretchen’s research resulted in a Trust Based Relationships framework as a way in to respectful relationships. One aspect of this framework is spending time within Māori communities.

A key quote from her research elevates the significance of marae as a foundation for trust: “The willingness to stay on marae, and learn and live together builds trust. There is a reciprocal responsibility and certain tikanga and whakawhanaungatanga you have to adhere to. It breaks down barriers, removes the misperceptions about what marae living is about.”  

I remember growing up as a kid - we lived next to a wonderful Māori/Irish family. I played over there all the time and I’d go to Ngāti Pōneke with them sometimes (Young Māori Club formed in Wellington in the 1930s). I do remember feeling happy there, jumping into their massive bed, and being just another one of the kids, squished together.  

But I haven’t always had this experience professionally. I do believe as Pākehā we need to get over our own un-comfortability and own it instead of expecting Māori to make us feel better or “answer our emails.” They’ve done their bit – now it’s our turn!  

In a digitised world where our ability to have physical interactions has been further reduced due to Covid-19, how and when do we kanohi ki te kanohi - meet face to face – to allow trust to form?  

Thank you Gretchen, for helping us own a tiny strand of what it is to be Pākehā. 

 If you would like to be part of our Te Paepae series, we would love to share your thoughts that can activate Community in Aotearoa.

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