What does the thyroid do and what are possible thyroid symptoms?
Lisa Rufsholm, NC
Holistic health solutions and results as an Expert in Hair Mineral Analysis | Nutritional Natural Health & Wellness Consultant | Detox Coach | Guaranteed Improvements | Nutrition | HEALTHY MIND + HEALTHY BODY → YOU
What does the thyroid do and what are possible thyroid symptoms?
Your thyroid is an organ that looks like a shield (literally derived from the Greek word) or butterfly in the front of your windpipe.
It has many functions that can affect your whole body that you might not have connected to the thyroid. If your thyroid is healthy it produces and is responsible for the following:
- 80% of your T4 or thyroxine
- 20% of your T3 or triiodothyronine (energy)
- Calcitonin hormone helps to reduce blood calcium levels
- Regulating your body’s energy levels
- Breathing
- Muscle strength
- Menstrual cycles
- Body temperature (hot/sweat easily or cold extremities with little sweating)
- Speed of digestion
- Cholesterol levels
- Heart rate
- Bodyweight
- Central and peripheral nervous systems
There are many malfunctions that can cause symptoms including goiters, cancer, and nodules which are less common.
Thyroid issues may include hyperthyroidism (fast), hypothyroidism (slow), and thyroiditis (inflamed).
Hyperthyroidism is caused by too much thyroid hormone. Goiter is sometimes a side effect of hyperthyroidism. This is due to an over-stimulated thyroid and inflamed tissues.
Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism or excess T3 and T4 include:
- Trembling hands
- Nervousness or hyperactivity
- Hair loss
- Shortness of breath
- Heat intolerance or sensitivity
- Heart palpitations
- Diarrhea
- Panic attacks
- Dry brittle hair
- Insomnia
- Weight loss
- Rapid heart rate
- Flushing or hot flashes
- Increased appetite
- Menstrual irregularities
- Exercise intolerance
- Excessive hunger
- Anxiety
- Sweating or sensitivity to high temperatures
- Irritability or moodiness
- Light or absence of menstrual periods
- Vision changes/bulging eyes
Hypothyroidism is a common condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism often goes unnoticed, possibly for years, before being diagnosed. In infants, the condition is known as cretinism which has very serious side effects, including abnormal bone formation and mental retardation.
Common symptoms of hypothyroidism that may indicate a deficiency of T3 and T4 include:
- Weight gain
- Sensitivity to cold temperatures in extremities
- Low body temp (not 97.8 in the morning)/cold skin
- Lack of appetite
- Insomnia/non-restful sleep
- Joint and/or muscle pain
- Tiredness, fatigue in the morning after sleep
- Dry skin/scaling and hair
- Cracked heels
- Itchy scalp or possible eczema
- The skin around the eyes seems thick
- Lower legs can thicken/swollen ankles
- Swelling of eyelids
- Short of breath
- Depression
- Vision issues
- Numbness/tingling
- Hearing loss
- Dizziness
- Night sweats
- Sparse or loss of the outer eyebrow
- Difficulty concentrating
- Brain fog/slow cognitive thinking
- Low heart rate
- Food allergies
- Heavy or frequent menstrual periods
- Anxiety
- Low sex drive
- Poor memory
- Rashes or acne (also heavy metal toxicity)
- Oversized tongue
- Ridges down fingernails (Iron too)
- Puffy/pale or yellowish skin or bloated face
- Brittle/Dry/Fine Hair
- Reliance on stimulants (sugar, caffeine, cigarettes)
- Infertility or impotence
- Constipation & slow digestion
- Poor fingernail growth/quality
- Menstrual irregularity/heavy or painful
- Obsessive thinking
- Difficulty swallowing
- Pale lips
- Slow speech
- Heart palpitations
- Chronic pain or muscle aching
- Ability to sleep anytime or in any place
If you identified a few of the issues above, follow your gut and LET'S CHAT in a free consultation about your health goals.
Learn more about thyroiditis or inflammation of your thyroid symptoms.
#thyroid #ScientificNutrition #hairanalysis #thyroidawareness #nutrition
Copyright Scientific Nutrition, LLC 2022
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Bestselling Author and TOP Ambassador
2 年Great post
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2 年What surprised me was how many things it impacted. nearly every function of your body was in those issues. Hard to believe one thing in us can have such an impact on our body.
Virtual Assistant/Operations Strategist*CRM Specialist*Streamlining Expert
2 年The list of symptoms is crazy. How do you check your levels and what if the dr keeps telling you your thyroid is fine?
The Alternative Board (TAB) St. Paul | Owner and Peer Group Facilitator | Surrounding Small Business Owners With Other Successful Small Business Owners
2 年I honestly never knew the thyroid controlled SO much. It really is amazing the way our bodies work and regulate the correct amount of T3 and T4 hormones. Does hair analysis take a snapshot of hormonal activity like this or do you need additional tests to determine a trend?