What Does Talking About "Money" Make You Feel?
Jennifer Lipski, RN, MA, CGSS
Steadiness Through Sound, Movement & Prayer
A recent favorite experience was my interview with the dynamic Joan Sotkin? on her Joan Sotkin's Prosperity Tips? show. This link will show you bullet points of our discussion - ProsperityPlace.com/an-Exploration-of-Inner-Worlds-with-Jennifer-Lipski-tps112/ - -and you can listen in, too.
Our conversation invites you to consider your relationship with your work, your finances and yourself - - so that you can bring your most impassioned and brilliant being forward and into the world. Sound scary? Sound good? If YES, then be sure to listen in and be a part of the experience with us. This is a safe way to reflect on where you are right now in your business. And even if you feel like you don't need to consider these things at this time, there will be a day that comes when you will.
- "...We discuss the words sacred and divine and how they might have a separating effect.
- When we say “like-minded” people, that can be separating. We are on a journey that is unfolding our entire lives.
- A lot of people in the conscious community have trouble talking and learning about money.
- Everything has to stay in balance.
- There’s nothing dirty about money. Shift your thinking and ask what the value is of what I offer.
- You have to let money come back to you or your work is not sustainable.
- Business and money helps us get in touch with our whole self. Inner wisdom is part of all of us. It’s easy to lose sight of that.
- You have to balance your inner and outer worlds yourself.
- There’s a lot of isolation that goes on in the healing community.
- The difference between positive and negative messages from within.
- It’s important to take care of the vessel that holds the inner voice, such as eating well, sleeping enough, etc.
- The inner voice is not tied to emotion. There are different ways to get into an alpha state and get inspired thoughts..."
I invite you to contact me or Joan personally if you want to explore any part of this further, if you have any questions, or if you just need some help in some way and aren't sure how to take the next step.
Give your best to be able to receive the best.
#JoanSotkin #MyMetaWorld #ProsperityPlace #JenniferLipski