What does it take to sell today!!!
Customers today have unprecedented access to information and options. They are busy online doing research. They are focused on achieving business outcomes. To make a purchase they want proof of value in financial terms. They are harder to reach. They are influenced by peers, product reviews and references.
Technology has rewritten the sales experience for sellers and buyers. The changes have been so dramatic that many of the sales methodologies that were highly successful just a short time ago are obsolete - and many will actually hurt sales.
Some sections of the sales performance industry think this means customers don’t need you. But think again! Statistics state that customers are 57% of their way into the buying cycle before speaking with a salesperson. While it is true that 67% of customers begin their buying journey with online searches, that does not mean targets are not at the same time reaching out to salespeople.
B2B buyers interact with salespeople at every stage of the buyer’s journey.This certainly challengers the theory that customers don’t need salespeople.
These seeming contradictions stem from two simultaneous trends in buying patterns: simple customer decision making, in which customers know the answer, today, no longer go through relationship with a sales person.
In complex buying decisions the customer need for help from a salesperson has grown.
Because there is so much information available to customers, salespeople who bring expertise, introduce ideas, provide a new perspective and help customers sort the wheat from the chaff, will be the ones who are rewarded.
What it takes to sell to today’s customer exceeds anything asked of sales people before.
So what can you bring to the conversation that your B2B customers don’t already know that will help them grow their business?