What Does It Take To Be An Olympian?
Mike Agugliaro
"After $500M in Sales, Two 8-Figure Exits, Authoring 28 books, speaking on top stages and 4 decades in Martial Arts: I have learned how to help business owners create Life, Business, and Wealth by Design"
Have you been following the Olympics? I don’t watch a lot of sports but it’s hard not to hear about the winter Olympics taking place right now in South Korea; you can’t help but hear about the success or struggles of the Olympians as they compete to win gold while representing their countries.
One question I think about during the Olympics (during EVERY winter and summer Olympics) is: what does it take to be an Olympian?
An Olympic athlete is not just anybody. You can’t just show up on day 1 of the Olympics and say “hey, I want to compete!”
Only some people can get in to participate… and even then, participation does not mean a win. But if you do win? WOW! You get a gold medal that says you are the very best in the world. That’s an indicator that you have elevated yourself to the very VERY top of your sport… and no other person IN THE WORLD was able to train, qualify, or participate at your level to win that coveted award.
So, what does it take to be an Olympic athlete?
It takes only 2 things (but these are big)—it takes TRAINING and DETERMINATION.
Believe me, you can’t get to the Olympics without both of those in abundance.
You need TRAINING to build your skills and expertise in the sport you’re competing in. And you need DETERMINATION to show up every day, in every type of weather, even if you don’t want to, in order to train and compete, and give 100% every single time.
Now let me ask you a question about your business: What level do you want to get to in your business?
Do you want to be mediocre? Probably not. (The people who are part of the CEO Warrior community of Champions never settle for mediocrity).
I hope you want to be more than good… more than great… I hope you want to be the very best.
… Maybe you want to be the best in your city.
Or your state.
Or the country.
Or even the world… for your industry.
Or heck, maybe you just want to be the best YOU possibly can be in the moment, no matter what life throws at you.
That’s the mindset that Rob and I had when we ran our service company, Gold Medal Service, and we kept that same approach now as we oversee the growing team here at CEO Warrior. You’ve probably heard me say before that we are building a global movement to change the lives of service business owners around the world. THAT is the same kind of mindset that Olympic athletes have: to strive to be the very best.
I promise you this: those Olympic athletes work TIRELESSLY to be the very very best at what they do using their training and determination to get them to the winner’s platform.