What Does a Simplistic Business Operating System Look Like? Do you Have One?
★ Marshall Krupp ★
Certified EOS? Implementer | Certified Outgrow Advisor | Business Strategist/Leadership Development
Thomas Edison is known to have said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” 2020 proved that success or failure was the difference between staying agile and flexible or being fixed on what may have worked in the past. But, as we look back, what really worked? Just ask anyone who is a restaurant owner. Many had to change their entire business model. The way of the past may not give us the bright future that we are seeking in 2021 but agility might!
What seemed to have traction during 2020 was the ability to execute agile business operating systems that focused on going from complexity to simplicity. That is where the Entrepreneurial Operating System? appears to make a big difference. Now, are you going to continue to operate your business in the same old ways or are you ready to step through the insanity and travel a new road?
The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS?) is a complete set of simple concepts and tools that have helped leaders get what they want from their businesses and Leadership Teams. EOS? is designed for organizations committed to raising the bar, and who recognize that implementing EOS? will help them and their Leadership Team get better in three critical areas.
- Vision: from the standpoint of first getting your leaders 100% on the same page with where your organization is going and how it will get there.
- Traction: from helping your leaders become more disciplined and accountable and executing really well to achieve every part of your vision.
- Healthy: helping your leaders become healthy, functional, and cohesive leadership because unfortunately, leaders often don’t function well as a team.
It is a journey of mastering the series of EOS? Sessions, the Model, the Process, and the Toolbox. It is not something to grab onto and then ride the train to gain wisdom. Rather, it is engagement to come to the realization that the operation of a company does not have to be hard to build and grow. If we have a clear vision with real targets, the right people on the right seats on the right bus, a team that is rowing in the same direction, and simple tools of execution, any company can attain success.
Most entrepreneurial businesses eventually face one of the below five challenges.
- Lack of control: You don’t have enough control over your time, the market, or your company. Instead of controlling the business, the business is controlling you.
- People: You’re frustrated with your employees, customers, vendors, or partners. They don’t seem to listen, understand you, or follow through with their actions. You’re not all on the same page.
- Profit: Simply put, there’s not enough of it.
- The Ceiling: Your growth has stopped. No matter what you do, you can’t seem to break through and get to the next level. You feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.
- Nothing’s Working: You’ve tried various strategies and quick-fix remedies. None have worked for long, and as a result, your staff has become numb. You’re spinning your wheels, and you need traction to find the grip to move forward again.
The process of overcoming these is simple as long as everyone on the team is open, honest, and vulnerable.
Looking into adding EOS? to your organization, but not sure where to start? Great!
Hopefully, this article will act as a guide to help you through this process.
To begin, you want to select a Professional EOS? Implementer. Professional EOS? Implementers (EOSI) are fully knowledgeable on every aspect surrounding EOS?. Their goal is to guide you through the process of EOS? and to help your Leadership Team become more cohesive, functional, and healthy. However, it’s important to pick an EOSI that fits your leadership style. When it’s all said and done, you will have worked with your Implementer for at least two years, so it’s critical to make sure that you enjoy their teaching and coaching style and that the Implementer effectively understands your company, your industry, and the dynamics of your Leadership Team.
After deciding on an Implementer that will best fit your needs, it is time to have your complimentary 90-Minute Session Meeting. This time is important for you to receive clarity on the journey you are about to undertake. In short, the 90-minutes is about us (the Implementer), you (the business leader), your Leadership Team, the EOS? tools, and the EOS? Model and Process.
Now, you’ve had your 90-Minute Session Meeting and you are ready to put the pedal to the floor and get started. Guided by your Implementer, the Focus Day will clarify who’s responsible for what, resolve current issues, improve communication, and track numbers. The agenda for the day will involve hitting the ceiling, your accountability chart, rocks, your meeting pulse, scorecard, and issues.
I recently experienced a Focus Day with a new client, business owner, and his Leadership Team. The meeting started with a lot of judgment, apprehension, and skepticism. The big question that everyone was asking was, “Is this going to be any different from the dozens of training and strategic planning sessions we have done before?” More importantly, was the question, “Is this really going to change our organization for the better?” The Leadership Team worked hard for eight hours. At the end, the owner turned to the team and said, “This is going to be a game changer for our company.” The owner got a standing ovation and praise from his entire leadership team for having taken the risk to bring EOS? into the organization.
What happens after Focus Day? After Focus day, you then have Vision Building Day 1 and Vision Building Day 2 (VB1 and VB2). Each is split into its own all-day Session. VB1 will cover your Core Values, Core Focus, and your 10-Year Target (think Big Hairy Audacious Goal), and VB2 will go over your Marketing Strategy, 3-Year Picture, 1-Year Plan, Quarterly Rocks, and Issues
At the end of VB2, you should have completed The Vision/Traction Organizer (VT/O) (your strategic plan) to share with your company. This is all the work you just completed summarized into a 2-page document of critical points as a road map for the future. You will be introduced to the VT/O at the 90-Minute Session Meeting. With discipline and mastery, you will feel comfortable to roll-out EOS? into your company. However, if your Leadership Team isn’t ready, that’s perfectly okay because your Implementer is there to guide you on the path to becoming deeper masters into the EOS? proven process.
Following your Vision Building 2 Day, your Leadership Team will then start to meet at Quarterly Meetings. During your Quarterly meeting with your Implementer, you will check-in on your Leadership Team’s Focus and Traction, Team Health, Quarterly Rocks, Issue Solving, Toolbox Tools, and Accountability.
Last but, not least, there is your Annual Planning Session. This 2-Day session is similar to a Quarterly meeting but on a much larger scale. Over the course of two days, this is where you will really dive deep into your next year’s goals, your issues, your people, team health, your rocks, and again accountability. This meeting will ultimately set the stage for the next year.
Implementers come with their own differing personalities, approaches, backgrounds, characteristics, and skills. The TractionPure2 Implementers come to their clients with a high bar around accountability and a focus on “helping first” and “doing the right thing”. Our clients are our best referrals. Simon Sinek recently posted a video on YouTube entitled “The Three Things that Make a Meaningful Vision”. In it, he discusses Mission and Vision, and further focuses on “just cause”. He states that true “just cause” for your company is viewed in the understanding of three measurements. First is being “resilient”… being able to withstand cultural, political, or technological changes. The second is being “inclusive”… meaning that the very word you choose is an invitation to those who believe what you believe whether they are internal or external. The third is being “service-oriented”… this means that the primary benefit goes to those other than the contributor. It is about being of service to them. This has great value to our success. We would highly recommend that you view Simon Sinek’s video.
The core values and purpose of EOS? fulfill this concept of “just cause” in what the EOS? Model and Process brings to the business community. We hope that you will reach out and share your thoughts with us.
If you would like to continue this EOS? discussion further, please contact us at [email protected].We will be happy to get back to you!
TractionPure2 is an affiliate of Peer Executive Boards and focused on “elevating entrepreneur businesses from complexity to simplicity” using the EOS? Model and Process. EOS?, the Entrepreneurial Operating System? takes entrepreneur businesses on a journey of mastery of the EOS tools which enables businesses to elevate their leadership teams to make better decisions, maintain a level of accountability, and attain greater success more simplistically. The components of EOS? are Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction, which when used effectively attains a healthier organization with greater success. Marshall Krupp is the founder and Principal of TractionPure2 and a recognized Professional EOS? Implementer serving clients throughout the nation. He is also a national speaker, a past award-winning Vistage Worldwide Chair, and a past career in providing crisis management strategic service to businesses, governmental agencies, and not-for-profit organizations.