What Does A Search Say About Your Company? 5 Ways To Control Your Google Presence

What Does A Search Say About Your Company? 5 Ways To Control Your Google Presence

 Are you taking control of what people see when they search for your company online? It is estimated that over 50% of people now conduct a search as part of the buying process, so why wouldn’t you want to ensure you are taking advantage of that?

Search is such a powerful tool, because it reveals intent. If someone is searching for something, particularly a product, you better believe they have an intention to buy it.

Furthermore, if they are looking at doing business with you or your company, you better believe that they are using the power of Google to find out everything they can before they go ahead and hand over that money. I can guarantee (near-enough) that you do that when you are going through the buying process, and what you find out on the search will certainly have an impact on whether your intent to purchase increases or decreases, right?

So how can you best make use of Google to ensure that you are making sure you are taking fully taking advantage of the power of Search and controlling your company brand, reputation and accessibility in the digital age when the consumer, in theory, has all the power to make the choice (the joys of being alive in the “information based” era..)

Google+ Business

Register for Google My Business. Take control of your google presence directly. Google My Business is a tool that allows you to register your business on Google, and completely take control of your Google presence directly. It enables you to add:

  • Location (be seen on Google Maps as a business!)
  • Opening Times
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Website
  • Social

It’s a great tool, that will help you be found online. For example, if you search “Marketing Agency South Elmsall” – I will be there, SME Social. And I only started this company one month ago.

Get on Google today, your customers are.

Local Listings

List yourself on Yell, and other local directories that is relevant to your industry. This not only helps your Google presence, but a lot of people still use these services to ensure that your company is legit and listed in what they believe is the holy grail of service listings (who else grew up on the Yellow Pages? With some people, those habits die hard!).

Yell is the obvious one, but there are plenty that are industry specific. You should do some research to find out where your competition are placing their services, or do some brainstorming regarding local directories you could use within your industry.

It does have some relevance to your SEO too, with Google favouring companies that have consistent branding and information (read the last point).y.

Create Content

Creating content in the form of blogs, e-books, whitepapers, infographics, among other ways can help you tremendously within your online presence. It helps you become an authority online, both to your customers and within Google.

First off; your customers want to know what you’re talking about. Creating content that is specific to their needs and problems will help you engage with them, but ultimately helps them understand that you know how to do the job. Sometimes, my clients say “But I don’t want to give away my secrets to my company.” Okay, that’s fine. Then keep it a secret, but I guarantee that your competition aren’t. I often reply with “If you needed to fix your sink, and a plumber had an article explaining how to fix a sink – would you do it yourself on the back of his advise, or would you just phone him up, and let him do it for you. You know, seem as though he demonstrated his skills in the article.” It’s the same for you, people are busy and if you can showcase your expertise, they’ll hire you, not look to learn your trade.

Creating content, also known as content marketing, is possibly the best way you can be ranked on Google. You should be creating new content every single day for your online presence. If you can’t do it, hire someone who can.

Social Media

Social media has massive impact on your online presence overall.

Not only will it help take control of your Google presence, but it’s the second best place to Google to be listed. It’s well-known that the majority of people take into consideration a company’s online branding, particularly their social media accounts, when they are buying a product or service. You need to be on social, and make sure your consistently engaging with your audience, or else you may as well have never registered.

In regards to Google, your engagement and the amount of times your content is shared across social has a massive impact on your website authority and the way in which Google ranks your website.

Consistent Branding & Information

Are all your contact details, office location and information/description of your business relevant and consistent across the web? It should be. Here’s some places you should make sure that all your information, including details of services, phone number, email address, office location, are up to date:

  • Website
  • Google Business
  • All Social Media
  • Local Listings (Yell, etc)
  • Online Graphics
  • Posters & Print Material

By making sure all your information is updated, not only are you more accessible to customers, but Google takes this into consideration when ranking your website authority.


These are five very precise, to-the-point tips on how you can raise your Google presence. If you want to know more, you can call me anytime for a consultation, or get in touch below.

Phone: 07904008731

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/karl-cowell-050a47125/


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