What does Santa do to stay Fit? Yoga!
Manish Pole
Teacher ? Coach ? Speaker. Yoga Wisdom, Meditation, Life Coach, Corporate Wellness & Himalayan Retreats. Beyond Asana? course/ YTT
Santa doing Yoga!
Here we are in mid-December which means Christmas season will engulf us soon! And when we think X’mas; the benevolent, pot-bellied, harbinger of good tidings – Santa Claus, will soon be visiting our homes. Yeah, ‘never stop believin’!’ So every year we wonder what Santa does to stay in shape – after all he makes an arduous journey from the North Pole every year, to visit homes right across the world and then has to wriggle his way down the chimneys to drop off his gifts! So, let’s take an educated guess? Anyone?
Does Santa have a fixed fitness regime or does he change it every year depending on which Fitness routine is trending? Would he be doing Cross-Fit this year? High up in the snowy country, could Santa be doing Cross-country Running? Or would he be cycling, running and swimming – doing the Triathlon in the summer months? How aboutZumba?
I have to say I’m leaning towards something else. I think, given the Weather conditions of this home-town, Santa must actually be doing Yoga to stay fit! He seems quite Happy, full of Love & Laughter and since his only occupation isService – it’s fair to say that ol’ Santa is one helluva Yogi! And we’ve got proof to show……..https://bit.ly/Santa-Yoga