What does this resistance mean?
Consider this: if you only ever tried the things you were immediately willing to do, the variety and depth of experiences available to you might be significantly limited.?
Speaking in front of an audience even though every fiber of me wanted to be somewhere else made me a more confident person.?
Even though I wanted to stay home, I reluctantly went to a concert after a friend insisted and thank goodness I did because it ended up being an amazing and unforgettable experience.?
The resistance we feel when considering whether to try something or not is powerful signal that says either:?
a) This is too risky / dangerous / reckless / unfamiliar and will ruin you?—?don’t do it. Or…
b) This will stretch you. That’s why the thought of it feels uncomfortable. But if you rise to the occasion and do it, you will adapt and emerge from it more capable and fulfilled.?
Both are valid, but I’m willing to bet that most of the time the perspective and subsequent actions we take from it that we’ll be most proud of in hindsight, that will give us great stories to tell and reflect on is b). In which case the greater the resistance, the more worth your while it is to lean in and give it a go.
The Daily Spark exists for two reasons:
- To document one idea every day that I've found helpful in my life.
- To inspire you to discover what matters most and to take action towards it.
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it.