What does Resiliency Look Like For You in the Time of Corona? Using This Time To Bring Greater Truth, Strength, and Meaning into Your Life.

What does Resiliency Look Like For You in the Time of Corona? Using This Time To Bring Greater Truth, Strength, and Meaning into Your Life. 

I love words. To me, words are tasty morsels to nosh on with absolutely no calories! And unlike scarfing down carbo crack in large quantities, the more you nosh on these linguistic nuggets, the more nourished you feel! While actions are the bottom line, words are the tools we use to navigate our thoughts, feelings, and outcomes.

Resiliency has become the literary darling to COVID-19 as Pivot was to ‘2008 crash. 

But what does Resiliency really mean? To you? Right now? Personally and Professionally? And what does developing it or having greater access to it really look like for you? In a way that holds meaning, that can sustain you, on many different levels during these times of fear, uncertainty and isolation and fear that you may be facing.

There are so many definitions of resiliency out there, but this one really popped out to me:

"The power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy." 

 Nice on paper, but given how fluid life is in our moment-to-moment experience, how is it possible to believe we will return to our original form?” How can we? Why would we even want to! Wouldn’t we want to grow and evolve rather than make the goal to “get back to original form?” Not only is this an illusion but a potential source of perpetual frustration.

But growing from this seismic change we’re going through doesn’t need to turn into an unnecessary pressure to supersize one’s bigger-than-life aspirations without regard for our emotional landscape, capacity or focus, by telling ourselves, “It’s a great time to write that great American Novel, end cures for century-long illnesses, or re-invent the wheel." That is unless, in the quiet hours of your stillness, you feel truly guided to that direction. 

There has to be a middle ground. For me, it looks like integrating and honoring the impact I’m experiencing on so many levels and using this time to shift my long-standing relationship with the uncertainty that is all too often rooted in fear and worry; make some important proactive and positive changes in several aspects of my life while practicing self-soothing and compassion towards myself and others. 

And on other less-than-centered days, laughing at how on point, that jingle from the Almond Joy/Mounds commercials from many decades ago, “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t!” truly is.

And these shifts I am guided to make are not only in the “doing” department (business goals/focuses, projects, etc.) but in the “being” (internal mindset and mindfulness practices) as well. I thought a lot about this lately. That’s what prompted me to create this easy-to-digest video guide on my 5C’s of resiliency that can support you. 

Hope you enjoy my video and if you know others who could use some resiliency these days, please pass along. Know any teams, companies, or organizations who with all the chaos and uncertainty would benefit from supporting them in using this time to adopt my 5C's of Building Resiliency During Really Challenging Times?

May you stay healthy, safe, and peaceful. May you allow yourself to feel what you feel while using this time to bring greater truth, strength, and meaning into Your Life. 

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