What does that really mean?
You have no doubt heard the expression from business that "We treat you just like family" Is that in fact true? Does it mean the same to everyone? Does your mother and crusty old uncle stand on the same family platform?Do most people believe that? Is it just common company speak to convince you they are different? Are they different? Do you think that is just a phrase to fill up space that everyone says because it sounds nice to hear? Is it make the company more or less believable? It can be used in two common sayings. The first is the potential client, patient or customer where we treat you like family? I would assume that most of us if we owned a company would give most family members a break of some sort? Why would one company treat the customer like family while the one across the street, treats one like a customer but they both have been there for years? The second is when a company states that they treat their employees like family. How would you treat your family that works in your place of business? Are they all valued at nearly any cost in most cases? Would you dismiss them without any due process? Would you want your family working for you? Is all this true or is the company just doing their due diligence in marketing?
Lots of questions, right? What do you think? I know what my crusty old uncle would say.
Have a great day and thanks for reading! Bob
#bobdeaver.com #healthcare #business #marketing #truthfullness