What does Ray Dalio mean by "breakthrough technologies—they can be used for wars, they’re going to create great displacement of people"?
LIke Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, Ray Dalio is a big fan of the mechanical economic model of Marxism and Scientific Management, the core technology of the Harvard MBA program. The prime mover of the Marxist/Schientific dipthong was the steam engine, Dalio’s concept has upgraded the prime mover to the T Model Ford, which is an important improvment in that the spark plugs represent the entrepreneurial impulse of constitutional capitalism,
Nevertheless, it is a mechanistic system and shares the fallacy of Marxism and Scienfific Management that Captial/management and Labor represent antagonistic agendas and the esprit de corps of labor must be supresses or otherwise coopted.
Which is pretty much the operating premise of DOGE or Elon and his Miskrats, He is committed to the Supply Side Marxism of the global nazification agenda of Project 2025 and eagerly anticipates Trumponomics will create a huge displacement of people that he, Ray Dalio, will personally profit from,
All the Deep State equity bankers funding the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 are going long an a great displacment of people. That’s why Trump has his nose stuck up the ass of Putin,