What does “QA” do?
Sandcastle Inspector doing Quality Assurance

What does “QA” do?

Quality Assurance (QA) ensures that software meets high standards of quality.

Imagine you're building a towering sandcastle on the beach. QA is like the diligent sandcastle inspector, armed with a keen eye and a bucket of water. They carefully examine every aspect of your sandcastle, making sure it's sturdy, well-designed, and can withstand crashing waves. They pour water to test its resilience, scrutinize the architecture for any weak spots, and ensure it stands tall as a testament to your craftsmanship. Like the sandcastle inspector, QA evaluates every facet of software, providing it's robust, reliable, and capable of withstanding its challenges.

Quality Assurance (QA) is the process of ensuring that software meets established standards and expectations. It comprehensively evaluates the software's functionality, performance, usability, and overall quality. QA professionals perform various tests and analyses to identify and address any software defects, bugs, or inconsistencies.

They strive to create a seamless user experience by verifying that the software operates as intended and meets the needs of its users.

QA encompasses a range of activities, including test planning, test case design, test execution, and defect management. It goes beyond mere testing and includes a holistic approach to quality. QA professionals work closely with developers, designers, and stakeholders to establish quality goals, define test strategies, and ensure that the software aligns with user requirements. Their goal is to deliver a product that functions flawlessly and delights and satisfies the end-users.

By meticulously evaluating every aspect of the software, QA plays a crucial role in mitigating risks, enhancing reliability, and upholding the highest standards of quality.

DoesQA is a Codeless Test Automation Tool with a simple, intuitive drag-and-drop user interface. Complex tests can be created and maintained easily by any team member, enabling QA to keep pace with development while reducing costs.

Find how you can Supercharge your QA!

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The original article was published here: https://does.qa/blog/what-does-qa-do



