What does the new pandemic look like??
HellthGO review on Monkeypox

What does the new pandemic look like??

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Monkey Pox is a viral zoonotic disease (a virus transmitted to humans from animals). Monkey Pox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research, hence the name "Monkey pox".

There are two recognized strains of the virus which are West African monkey pox virus clade(associated with milder disease) and the central African monkey pox virus clade (associated with more severe illness).

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The incubation period (time of infection to symptoms for monkeypox) is between 5-21days. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion and later rashes develops.?The virus can be transmitted from animal to human, human to human and from a contaminated environment to human. Monkeypox spreads through direct contact with infectious sores, scabs, blood, body fluids or cutaneous lesions of infected animals including through their bite or scratch. Human contact with materials contaminated with the virus can also lead to infection. The virus enters the body through broken skin(even if not visible), respiratory tract or the mucous membranes(of the eyes, nose or mouth).

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There is no specific treatment or vaccine available for human monkey pox infection but small pox vaccine has demonstrated cross protection (approximately 85%) against monkey pox virus infection.

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Members of the public should report suspected cases of monkey pox to health care workers, take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection from animals and persons suspected to be infected such as avoiding direct contact, maintain good hygiene, control rodents around your home.

Affected individuals should be isolated and avoid close contact with immunocompromised persons(e.g. HIV/AIDS patients, cancer patients, diabetic patient, etc.) until all crusts have fallen off. Regular handwashing with soap and water should be performed, persons with monkey pox should wear a surgical mask especially those who have respiratory symptoms. Disposable gloves should be worn for direct contact with lesions and disposed after use.

Majority of the monkeypox cases resolves completely in 3 to 4weeks. The presence of other disease conditions in the body contribute to severe disease and increased risk of mortality.

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