What does a messy desk say about you?
How neat, tidy and organised is your desk? Is a messy desk the sign of a cluttered mind? What does the state of your desk say about your personality?
This expert article explores the world of messy desks in a work environment. It’s a fun and interesting reading …
Does a messy desk matter?
Some people say a messy desk doesn’t matter. They claim, despite the clutter, that they know exactly where everything is, at any time. These people believe their mess is ‘organised chaos’.
Others say a messy desk is the sign of a cluttered mind. Neat freaks find it impossible to operate efficiently amid chaos. Professionals specialising in organisation at work argue the same. They say an orderly existence is essential for productivity. They refer to the saying: ‘tidy desk, tidy mind’.
What does a messy desk say about you?
You can assume that some will look at your cluttered office space and conclude that you’re unorganised and all over the place. They may lack confidence in your ability to get a job done on time and well.
A messy desk can affect your professional reputation. It can leave a bad impression and lead others to think you’re lazy, not just too busy to tidy. Or it can lead others to conclude that you’re a procrastinator or someone lacking respect for yourself or others.
Are there degrees of messiness?
Degrees of messiness exist. Having a few piles of papers and folders on your desk is one thing, but not being able to even see your desk for the clutter is another.
There’s a tipping point with clutter. If, for example, you’re deep into a super urgent and unexpected task with multiple complications and challenges, you might want to cut yourself some slack and not worry too much about your desk until you’ve submitted the work.
Once you’ve met the deadline, however, take time to re-organise and reset.
Is it true that people with messy desks are creative?
Some people argue that creative minds thrive in messy environments. They argue that messiness can be a virtue and point to how creative geniuses have or have had messy desks. Albert Einstein, for example, didn’t have an inch of his desk free from paper, books, manuscripts, envelopes, pens, and other ‘stuff’.
While this may be the case, most research points to the many benefits of organisation in your workspace.
Should I hold meetings in my work space if my desk is messy?
If you have a messy desk and need to have a meeting, do so elsewhere, not at your desk. This is especially the case if you’re meeting with a client. There’s no need to force anyone to be part of your messy surrounds. It can make people uncomfortable. So book a meeting room or offer to meet elsewhere such as a café.
Does my messy desk have an impact on others?
Your messy desk is likely a problem for others. Let’s face it, it’s not pleasant for others to work alongside a desk that is an utter mess. This is especially true if your team mates or colleagues have visitors to their desks. It can be embarrassing.
What should I do about my messy desk?
Being organised at your desk is a habit that can take time to develop. It’s not hard … you just have to do it. Reframe by focusing on the positive. Remind yourself that a clean workplace is a more productive workplace.
Start with simple steps:
Then take 5 minutes at the start or end of every day to clean your desk, and perhaps 15 minutes on a Friday before you leave the office for the weekend for a deeper clean.
Once you get into this habit, life will be less chaotic.
What are other benefits of a clean workspace?
Some research says a clean, orderly workspace:
Can a workspace be too clean and orderly?
This is an interesting question. If keeping your desk clean and orderly is all consuming, you might have another problem on your hands, especially if continually tidying takes you away from getting your work done.
Final tips