What Does It Mean When You Micromanage Your People?

What Does It Mean When You Micromanage Your People?

How you handle your people at work actually reveals a huge part of your professionalism as a leader. No matter what kind of business or what industry you are in, managing your personnel is one of the most essential things that you have to assume in order for your company to succeed.

It is not merely about the financial capital or the technical expertise of your organization that will make a commercial difference in the long run. The way you motivate or inspire those individuals who work for you will contribute heavily to the operational competitiveness of your business.

Among the most talked about administrative approach is micromanagement. While a lot of individuals view this method as too controlling or too intrusive that it gets in the way of a personnel being truly productive, there are some aspects which you may need to delve into if it’s actually true:

Individual assessment

Primarily, micromanagement may be about the progressive evaluation of an employee. Too often, workers feel scrutinized when their managers or supervisors check on them within a short period of time.

However, if the approach is done within a considerable range like once a day or probably thrice a week, the reason can be about work performance. The boss or a higher-up may be grading how an employee is faring in a given assignment.

Work reinforcement

Secondly, the micro method can be attributed to the integration of additional details. Often, when work assignments are handed out, not all particulars will be shared. Usually, other aspects of the projects are belatedly collected or acquired.

If a higher-up contacts an employee a little too often about the technical points of a job, it is likely that the superior may be intending to reinforce the on-going work. In a sense, specifics are being assimilated into the overall assignment.

Upcoming deadlines

Thirdly, micromanaging an individual may be leaning towards a looming deadline. Many employees think that beating a cutoff date for an assignment is their curse. The truth is, even managers and higher-ups have to hold their side of the bargain when it comes to time outlined responsibilities.

No matter what your function is, whether you are warehouse clerk or a department manager, the submission of impending reports will always be on hand. As always, any employee is accountable to somebody up on the organizational hierarchy.

Larger perspective

Lastly, micromanagement is a reflection of the bigger picture. To most employees, controlling their every move is about them. Either the workers interpret the approach as a distrustful manifestation of an officer’s attitude or their superiors simply dislike them.

Still, any method of managing people may actually depend on the kind or nature of work. For instance, an art company will probably allow free rein among its employees in order to get those creative juices flowing. On the other hand, loading a container van with spare parts may need a tight leash in accordance with a tight delivery timeline.?


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