What does it mean to be a ‘LEADER’ today?
Gianluca Cinquepalmi
Advisor, Speaker & Author. Founder @Creativeldrs — I Advise future leaders on how to confidently grow even when they don't have all the answers.
As an Educator and Advisor over the past few years, I started wondering if our Organizations and Institutions are doing a good job in shaping the future generations of leaders.
Are we actually enabling and empowering them to:
Looking at the current state of the world, I’m starting to have some doubts about it.
An Impossible Position
I believe the fundamental problem lies in an obsolete view of leadership where we see the role of “The Leader” as someone who has all the answers and uses authority or manipulation to bend the will of others.
This mode of leadership was suitable when “The Leader” could demonstrate three fundamental traits.
The problem with this approach is that in our current modern world, the incessant pace of change places “The Leaders” in an IMPOSSIBLE position.
Our current world is ruled by…
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