What does it mean to feel safe?

What does it mean to feel safe?

As a Black American when hearing others do not feel safe on college campus, what should I think? As an American, who has constitutional rights that are constantly being infringed on by others, should I be okay with surrending rights just because other people feel safe without me having any?

When I think about Palestininians, I know they don't feel safe in their own homes right now due to srael’s globally condemned military actions. They have nowhere to go.

Some of you may have heard this expression, “There is nowhere to retreat; Moscow is behind us!”. Russia is a vast land - Palestine on the other hand is the very embodiment of a nation without alternatives. The people there cannot

  • receive a normal education (Israel keeps bombing their schools because schools breed Hamas)
  • receive any basic healthcare (because Palestinian hospitals and doctors are Hamas)
  • have enough food or medicines (because UN aid workers and charity food trucks are Hamas)
  • go fishing for food (because Israel blows up any Palestinian vessel that wanders too far from shore)
  • travel to other parts of the world freely (because Israel literally walls off the region and sets up military checkpoints everywhere, like Caesar did to the Gauls at Alesia; that’s why Gaza is one of the most densely populated and destitute regions in the world)
  • be recognized by the UN as citizens of their own sovereign state (the international community has been overwhelmingly supportive of Palestinian statehood, the problem is Israel and the forces of Zionism always obstructed UN votes, and the US always vetoed them; also, the UN is Hamas)
  • enjoy a normal, peaceful life with their family and friends

They have nowhere to run. Right now, in the city of Rafah, the lives of an entire nation are at risk of being snuffed out.

I say the Palestinians are far more worthy of our attention and sympathy, and the students and staff protesting all across American universities deserve to be supported.

What should we do about those who are agitators on university campuses who aren't being arrested and having their constitutional rights denied?

The crimes being committed on college campuses go well beyond discussion of Hamas or other misdirection techniques and need to focus on constitutional rights. Every American has the right to freedom of speech. When combined with the ability to petition government for redress of grievances, we can see many of our elected leaders suggesting that students are being brainwashed for exercising their rights. We can also see many in #lawenforcement who swore an oath to our constitution, acting in the most blissfully ignorant way and celebrating the large number of arrests. No wonder Americans are losing faith in our police.

As a black American, who has reflected on his history, would it be OKAY if Nat Turner was labeled a terrorist when all he wanted was freedom for his people? Under what circumstances should the oppressed not seek the heads of their oppressors?

You think the Palestinians are feeling safe as they are being slaughtered? They are literally facing death and destruction. American Jews are feeling “unsafe” because their wee lil’ Jew feelings are hurt because people are calling them out for their support of genocide. There is no comparison.

I don’t give a flying fuck about whether spoiled little Jewish American Princesses or little Weinstein’s “feel safe” at American universities. They are objectively safe and are so self-focused they can’t help themselves.

A professor pointed out that if he walked onto campus with a Klan hood on, talking about murdering blacks, he’d be fired by the end of the day, and would be unhireable. He pointed out (fairly so) that there would be none of this talk of ‘context’ or anything similar.

And he’s right; college campuses wouldn’t allow that. Hell, they’ve been harder on scientists who point out that terms like ‘male or female’ maintain, and will maintain, an important scientific meaning, whatever the current cultural zeitgeist may think.

Should we have banned protests against Apartheid if South Africans claimed it made them feel unsafe? Should it be illegal to protest the invasion of Ukraine if some Russians claim they feel unsafe? Jewish students have to accept people’s right to describe what Israel does and call for Israel to stop doing it.

If they think supporting a genocide makes them feel safe I assure them it is the opposite!! Did the ethnic Chinese feel safe when COVID was everywhere? No they were hated and not just in 109 countries all 200 countries of the world blamed China and the Chinese people they were hate crimed in every single country. Do we dare talk about the importance of #stopasianhate as being just as important as antisemetism.

I hate war. Anyone who loves it has never lost anyone in one. That being said, i could care less about palestinians feelings as they attacked Israel and has dont this repediatly over several years. And what of Iran who is backing these radicles? What Arab country will remove radicalism from their culture and blend woth other cultures? Personally , black folk need to stop using the word black american. You are american period yes you have ancestory we all do. I do not call myself Viking American because of my roots. Get rid of race entirely. I support Israel not because I have Jewish blood but because I don't. But they are becoming a superpower and the Arab states are panicking. Israel has offered peace in the region next to Iran that edges death to USA and Israel.



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