What does India's national anthem really mean?
Shankar Mukund
Programmer; ???? History; IIT Delhi; 7300 followers;Indology;Politics;Memes;Occasional rants;Happy to connect
India has a wonderful national anthem but how many of us actually understand what it says?
The original version has 5 stanzas, of which the first one was chosen as the national anthem.
However to understand it fully, we need to have a look at the all the stanzas.
On the left is the English translation, on the right in the original Bengali verse.
Stanza 1)
The song seems to be addressed to a deity or a God who rules the minds of Indians, shapes our future, inspires us.
We praise him and ask for blessings and seek victory for him.
Stanza 2)
Indians of all religions worship him and he brings us together in harmony.
Stanza 3)
The 3rd stanza is interesting as the God is addressed as a charioteer. Perhaps the charioteer refers to lord Krishna who drives Arjuna's chariot and guides them to victory in the Mahabharata war.
Stanza 4 & 5)
In these stanzas, he comforts India in difficult times, saves the people and brings new hope. Here he is referred to as the king of kings.
So there you have it, our national anthem demystified!
It's addressed to the one who shapes our destiny, who inspires the people of India, who unifies us, who looks out for us when we are struggling and blesses us with hope and kindness.
We pray for the victory of this king of kings.
Jaya jaya jaya jaya hey!