What does Hydronic Heating mean?
Hydronic heating means water-based heating. The most common type of hydronic system utilizes a boiler to make the water hot, a pump, and pipes to send the hot water to an air handler, which transfers the heat from the hot water to the air, which in turn warms the space.
Now, the next question is, what is an air handler? The air handler consists of a fan and a hot water coil. The hot water goes through the coil, which makes the coil hot. The air handler sends air past the coil, which warms the air. The warm air then gets distributed by the fan. The water gets pumped back to the boiler, and the cycle continues until the space reaches its proper temperature.
This system is popular in new and retrofitted homes. It’s pretty economical and relatively easy to install. Another benefit is that the air doesn’t get hot; it gets warm. Hot air systems can make it uncomfortable in the winter because it continually dries the air. Hydronic systems don’t dry the air, making it more comfortable than conventional hot air systems
Now, if somebody mentions hydronic heating, you’ll know what it means! We hope you find this information interesting and helpful.
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