What does healthy feel like?
Many haven’t really thought about defining this answer for themselves partly because they have always felt fine. The Q becomes important to answer the moment you no longer feel good.
The idea that your health condition can present a real awareness seems unfortunate, but it can help you define what a “healthy feeling” means to you when the contrast is obvious.
If we choose to be proactive with our health, common sense tells us we might consider defining what healthy feels like before we get sick. Therefore, let’s begin to break down this Q:
Many may be reading this because they value their health. Others may enjoy reading all perspectives on health with the desire to act in anticipation to it.?
All in all, most of us focus only on physical health. We often think in terms of an absence of a physical problem . . . but does that fully define health?
At Vessel Health (VH) I created a VH LifeCOURSE Assessment that offers a simple scale response number system where patients answer Qs provided to them with a number (0 = never, 5 = always). This has become very useful for our VH crew so they can understand our patients’ needs as it relates to their specific health issues, concerns, as well as overall perspectives.
There are many objectives for this VH LifeCOURSE Assessment but the one that stands out the most is we give the patients an ability to grade themselves. As we total up the score together, we might conclude they:
·????? Passed and are on a path to living healthy.
·????? Might be open to redefine their health goals.
·????? Grasp the opportunity to begin working on new habits that are based on their current health situation.
·????? Can give themselves permission to pause as they restart and evaluate their lifestyle. They can then commit to working with one of our VH qualified health coaches and crew to help them build a new set of healthy goals with support that encourages the ncessary dedication needed to shift their understanding of health, build new attitudes, and refresh their life.
Our VH LifeCOURSE Assessment has been a great way to awaken the patient to their own health educational process. We find it offers a personal pathway that aligns with better insights, habits, and commitments. Once we can get beyond those medical markers from tests for blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight, we can begin to access a custom plan. We can offer ways to move freely, and breath mindfully, as they discover better ways to listen to what their body is telling them.
Health is not simply the absence of a medical disease. Dis-ease defines itself in a very straight forward way.
The newer sciences are now confirming health is not limited to the physical body alone. We now understand the value of a whole health outlook.
To answer the key Q in this article might seem awkward at first, but it can bring in all aspects of ones’ feelings, and self-esteem to the surface. Many have defined a “healthy feeling” as a direct connection to their true north or spirit journey. It is all connected, and can be motivated by each individual’s vision of themselves.
When you think of that wonderful sense of being, an idea to be comfortable in your own skin will lead most of us to ask, how do these feelings relate to my thoughts about health?
Over the years as an MD in Cardiology, I can confidently say, “health is a state of being.” I have observed it, and it is obvious when someone is at ease with themselves. It seems to transmit into a form of steadiness, which is helpful.
A patient’s life is either in harmony, and balance, or not. Healthy patients have a sense of freedom, an energy, a hope, and the desire to live.
Life is the ultimate test in our ability to flow, change, and grow. When we do not live this way, we feel a resistance as if we are swimming against the tide.
I am not saying that everyone will live to be over 100 years old. If you are living a high-quality life with ease, does age even matter? Therefore, let’s agree it is not about how long you live, it is about the “quality of the life you live” while you are alive.
Where does a healthy state of being begin?
Of course, it can only begin with the YOU! Many associate their health with those they are around, or their status at work.?Remember, your title at work will not save you, therefore, your employer, spouse, sister, teacher, mother, father or children are limited to how they can truly help you when it comes to your own health. This is your journey so you might as well manifest your own vision in the areas you can control, educate yourself, and be pro-active.
Recognize how it all begins with you. Understand there is no one who can take full responsibility for your unique body, mind, and incorporate your desired life purpose but you, and YOU alone.
For many, this might be overwhelming to think about, but exciting to realize. As I write, mature, and observe my own health and presence in the world, I understand the responsibility, and the amount of time it takes. I have personally realized self-care reveals my ability to be patient with myself.
As I become my own advocate with an honest view of myself, I begin to listen within and become inspired to add more value to my life and those around me. Teaching myself the life skill to wait without complaint, and focusing on keeping my energy positive, I can keep joy within reach, which has been viewed as a fundamental foundation to health.
We all have witnessed how dis-ease can take over a person’s life, and those who care for them. The one major challenge that always seems to trip most of us up, appears in a “belief of who we are.”
When we miss the idea of truly valuing our purpose, our contribution to others, and to the world, based on our unique strengths, we can take a serious misstep. All of this has direct impact, power, and is motivating for a healthy state of mind and purpose.
It is amazing what happens when you actually believe in yourself and have self-worth. Many find the paramount challenge to securing any path towards health pivots to this awareness. It seems to override any resistance within and allows you to embrace who you are in a bigger way and can help honor the natural flow of things.
I understand how many are reticent to put themselves first. They have kept their focus on the others – spouses, children, careers, organizations, customers or in my case patients. Innately we all have the ability to give. Some recognize their gift and devote most of their life in a purposeful way by helping others, which is laudable.
This is why it is significant to understand yourself first, and foremost, in order to be 100% authentic. Only then can you become an example of excellence for all, and become able to support yourself.
How many times have we jammed into a high-powered flying vehicle, or airplane, with others, and actually listened to that safety announcement at the beginning of the flight; “In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will fall from the overhead compartment. Put yours on first and then assist to children and others.” I think this statement says it all.
I will admit there has been huge challenges over the years in my practice to orient patients to take disciplined action. The clarity of distinguishing a fine line between self-care and selfishness is significant. When you give yourself permission to take care of yourself, it will help you distinguish the sense of well-being from any narcissistic behavior, both very different in their intentions.
So often this idea of managing illness isn’t quite understood. As humble human beings we recognize life doesn’t exist without self-awareness. Many might easily manifest profound self-doubt, embarrassment, lack of self-preservation but that comes from our own mixed emotion related to “am I worthy?”
A lack self-esteem or a sincere concern for one’s own welfare might need to be learned. Not all of us grew up with positive role models and it is part of a deep personal journey. Many may feel the fear of loss when stepping out into their full potential because most cannot see the vision one has for themselves immediately.
When one does understand and acknowledge it, many agree it can be frightening. They realize the power one has, and the responsibility to live it, which is a choice.
When we shift our orientation to one with self-worth, this subtle alignment integrates into a healthier life. Let us stop telling others what to do, especially when they may not have requested your commentary. Instead, let’s be proactive by turning inward and learning to concentrate on doing what we need to do for ourselves, so we can be an example to others.
As we begin to imbue a sense of personal investment, based on this new mindset, the impact of this attitude is clear. Family and friends can’t guarantee they can care for you when you need them, so begin valuing who you are now and start taking care of yourself today.
Say it, “I am worth it. I matter!”
And so, the definition of health expands. As a healthy individual it helps to be at ease with the world, and with yourself.
Our VH crew found it is always a great place to start with patients. It is an opportunity for us to take the time to get to know them on a personal level. It also expands on their own ability to believe their life has purpose. The sincere happiness generated surfaces for all. The word I would use to describe the moment we witness our patient’s accountability for their own health, priceless.
Obviously, as an MD, I understand practitioners’ requirement to focus on a particular solution based on the situation, i.e., stopping the heart attack in its tracks, fix the broken hip, treat the infection, cure the ulcer. These goals and other medical successes should always be the core focus at that moment. It will certainly consume the majority of the medical practitioner’s time.
The idea we have implemented has everything to do with the timing of events. When we ask our patients to define what healthy feels like to them, it is when they need to heal and they have the time to think about their answer without other distractions.
Contemplating one’s own health requires shifts, changes, and?growth. Let's?define?health as a life?with ease, and?generate?a winning plan.?
"To stay?HEALTHY, become inspired then create a?DOABLE?plan." ---Harvey J. White MD
Partner at Los Poblanos
5 个月I agree
Palliative Care Specialist at New Mexico Cancer Center/NMOHC
5 个月I agree
5 个月One challenge is that the answer to this question may change over time. The answer at age 35 may be different at 65, although you’re never too young to manage your health!