What does having Covid feel like?
Thank you to everyone who messaged me about my recent article! I'm fortunate that my personal Covid experience has been mild and I'm in isolation until Monday.
A dear friend reached out after she saw my article, and she said she and her husband also had Covid. But she said the news of her cancer returning two days after she got news that she and her husband were tested positive, made Covid so not important to her. As a breast cancer survivor that word "C" (cancer) sent shivers down my spine. It was because I had cancer, an underlying issue, that I chose to be vaccinated and with Astra Zeneca earlier in the year. We were told to get vaccinated because Covid will hit us hard especially for people like myself who had underlying issues. So I am double vaxxed. As is the rest of my family and extended family. They all chose to be vaccinated as well.
But the vaccination did not stop me from catching the much dreaded and feared Covid-19 strain, most likely Omnicron. Alpha, Delta or Omnicron. Whichever strain it was, I am glad I have it, and the symptoms are mild.
So much has been made about this virus which has brought our economy to a standstill. It has paralysed our society; divided our community and people; instilled fear in people and heightened our mistrust of information.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead.
For me, I'm fortunate the experience has been with mild and as normal as you might expect from a viral infection. Despite my underlying health issue.
Right now, most of either know someone who has had or has the virus and while I do not dismiss or diminish that the symptoms can be serious and even life threatening for people who are elderly, at risk or have existing conditions – most of us, that is, the majority of relatively healthy Australian adults aren’t experiencing severe symptoms.
The symptoms for me were:
1.??????Lingering headaches that do not seem to go away
2.??????Breaking out in sweat every now and then
3.??????Dry mouth
4.??????Slight fever
5. ?????Tiredness
When I started to hear of Covid cases in my personal contact circle, I used two test kits – Hough and InnoScreen to check my status. When I first used it this week, it showed up negative. But with my lingering unusual feeling of a heavy head, I decided to have a PCR test which Histopath ran out of our Fairfield Showground. Waiting time was reasonable with 1 hour wait to get into the clinic and get the test. And the result came back the following day positive.
I did the two home tests again.?This time as I had a little blood in my nose from the PCR test I had, when they really went up your nostrils, the tests showed up positive. So, if you are doing a home test, make sure you collect the samples from deep inside your nose, otherwise it might not read it properly.
life is to be lived not to be feared.
How am I feeling now?
I have no headaches today, but my head still feels like it is a bit cloudy. Chest slightly congested. Other than that, I must isolate for seven days from the time I got tested.?
I'm staying connected through my online exercising. In addition, I have been drinking litres and litres of water with a squeeze of lemon juice and took vitamins C and zinc.
I am staying calm. I am relying on my sensibilities to get me through this.
To everyone else, my advice is don’t be afraid - be aware.?Be aware of your body and health. And if you have any of the above symptoms get yourself tested. And if you have Covid, then I hope, like most of us your will be the mild version.
And follow NSW Health (https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/default.aspx), for more information.
#covid19 #livingwithcovid #yourhealthisyourwealth #
Public Speaker| Our Flagship event Global B2B Conference | Brand Architect | Solution Provider | Business Process Enthusiast
2 年Dai, thanks for sharing!
Get well soon
Global Peace Ambassador. Chairman, Unity and Solidarity Standing Committee, World Fellowship of Buddhists
3 年May you get well and safe soon. May God and Buddhas bless you with greater strength, energy and wisdom to serve more effectively the community and people who are in need
3 年Get well soon and good luck with the future! ??