What does Harvard University have to do with your Executive Job Search?
adam reiter
The Candidate Operating System. Looking for the 1 BIG partnership to help Executive Candidates explode!
What does Harvard University have to do with your job search?
Harvard's hiring freeze doesn't mean much to your job search unless you start thinking about the other hiring freezes that have happened over the last few months. There's been a lot, and there's been a lot of layoffs across many sectors, many industries. When an economy changes, policies change, and there's a policy-driven gut punch, it's hard for the job market to react in a calm and smooth manner. However, we're running against the best hiring wave typically of the year, and that's the month of March. So what do you think you need to do in the month of March to be a successful candidate and win? In spite of hiring freezes and layoffs at major institutions and the trickle down effect.
You need to understand that there's blood in the water, and you cannot be a secret candidate. You have to build and promote your authority. You can do that online. You can do it offline. But being a secret job seeker doesn't mean successful candidacy. You're gonna have to push people and challenge people to think differently, to do differently, to move. You're always gonna find CEOs and boards and VCs and PEs that think this is the time to make moves when others are challenged, others are freezing, others are laying people off.
And even with massive layoffs and hiring freezes, there still will be executive hires in the month of March at great companies that are promoting these things, these hiring freezes and layoffs. Why? Because a busy and agitated leader wants to make moves. They want to make money. And if you have the solutions to help them with that, you can win.
Please join us Wednesday at 9AM Pacific time where we will detail how to position yourself, how to make moves in this unpredictable but hot month of the year for executive hires. Email [email protected] for an invitation.
The room is limited to 500 seats. See you soon. Ciao.