What does good health mean to you ?
Noting the recent headlines on obesity, smoking, type 2 diabetes and, with Jamie Oliver leading the way on sugar, one of my customers recently asked me;
1. Are the numbers of those who are not concerned about their health, lower or higher, than our perception ?
2. Is it cool or perhaps there is not enough self discipline to talk about taking action on your health ?
3. Given many people have difficulty in changing their social behaviour, are many in the population on self destruct ?
It got me thinking - I believe, as more people become aware of the problems with smoking, drinking, sugar and obesity from personal visits to medical practitioners (when age is becoming more relevant), we will see a shift in behaviour. Do you agree ?
Life is full of decisions except you do not know whether they are good or bad until its too late!! Maybe it's worth asking, am I truly happy with my health situation and/or do I want to make a positive health change before another year passes me by ?
I'll be interested in your thoughts on Linked in or feel free to contact me via [email protected]