What Does the Future Hold for Investors and Entrepreneurs?
Meghan Hubner
RE Investor focused business consultant, build a solid business foundation, implement systems and prepare for strategic growth.
With all the challenges we're facing in today's economic climate, it's more important than ever to stay resilient and adaptable. The market is evolving rapidly, and the uncertainties can be daunting for investors and entrepreneurs alike.
I've noticed a common pain point in the market: everyone is searching for ways to increase their cash flow.
If this sounds like you, you need to sign up for my upcoming webinar - I’ll be teaming up with Elizabeth Kelly and Victoria Cluney on Monday, June 17th, at 7 pm ET for From Cash Crunch to Cash Flow. Join us for this informative webinar where we'll share insights on navigating these tough times and turning challenges into opportunities.
We'll break down the pain points that investors and business owners are experiencing, discuss strategies to stay ahead of the curve, adapt to market changes, and thrive despite the economic hurdles. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, you'll find valuable takeaways and a renewed sense of confidence.
And here’s a little teaser – we have a special announcement at the end of the webinar that you won't want to miss. I can't reveal too much now, but trust me, it's going to be exciting!
Joining is easy - just click here to sign up and reserve your spot. Feel free to share this invite with friends or colleagues who might be interested!
Elizabeth Kelly is an experienced real estate investor with over 15 years of experience helping people achieve their financial dreams through the purchase of investment properties.
Before founding her consulting business, Elizabeth spent nearly 20 years investing in real estate, making mistakes, learning from them, and growing a highly successful portfolio with hundreds of doors. She and her husband have successfully flipped, wholesaled, duplexed, renovated, and re-financed dozens of properties and helped other investors get started in the market.
Elizabeth assists both new and experienced investors in planning, structuring, and creatively financing their real estate portfolios so they can leave their jobs, supplement their income, enjoy early retirement, and leave a legacy for their families.
Victoria Cluney is an organizational psychology specialist and real estate investing and business growth coach who helps women feel empowered in their businesses. She is also a champion of community, having founded the Women Empowered in Business, Investing, Lifestyle Development (WE BILD) program.?
Before becoming a business coach, Victoria honed her leadership skills over 22+ years as a senior officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. She holds a Master’s Degree in organizational psychology, a professional certification in Human Resources, and has over 20 years of experience as a successful real estate investor and entrepreneur. Her unique combination of academic training and life experience has given her the expertise, discipline, and psychological insight to help others optimize their workplace dynamic and enhance employee performance.
Victoria provides coaching with structured systems, no fluff, and high accountability, aiming to exceed the business goals of her clients for maximum success and fulfillment.
Looking forward to seeing you there!