What does the French election mean for the Middle East
It seems that over the last year or so Europe has been alight with political news. From Brexit to the current French election, the right and left parties have been battling it out with the state of the European Union being a major talking point for all involved.
So what do the current French elections have in store? Well, firstly the fact that the two major parties from the past didn’t get past the first hurdle shows that Europe is changing. On one side you have the far-right National Front party, led by Marine Le Pen, while on the other you have the En Marche party which was only established a year ago by former Minister of Economy and Finance, Emmanuel Macron.
It may appear that the race for the French presidency does not affect us in the Middle East, however in some ways it will.
Will there be a Frexit?
If Le Pen wins she is determined to lead France out of the European Union and create their very own Frexit. If both the UK and France leave the EU, the chances are more and more countries will follow suit, which could ultimately lead to its collapse. Although the Middle East has already entered into talks with UK Prime Minister over trade deals post-Brexit, the same round of work would then have to start with France.
Will there be travel bans?
Tragically France has been one of the worst European countries hit by terrorist attacks over the past couple of years. This is a major factor in the election, with many people wanting stricter border controls and harsher penalties for those linked to extremists. Where does this leave France and Muslim countries? Will they follow American and put a ban or restrictions on certain countries in the Middle East?
Will the new President get involved in Middle Eastern political affairs?
Whether the new President decides to get involved in Middle Eastern affairs is rightly up for discussion. From battling Daesh in Syria to supporting the allied troops in Yemen, France as a European powerhouse will have to decide on many elements that would directly affect certain countries in the Middle East.
So, as the final round of votes get underway this month, we will all be sitting waiting to see who wins the French presidency, as directly or indirectly their leadership will have an impact on our region.