What does Freedom Mean to You?
I think a lot about being free. Free from worry, doubt, stress. Free from outside stressors.
I believe one of the biggest stresses out there are Financial worries. Do we have enough money to pay the bills? Do we have enough money to.......?
It's on everyone's mind these days.
I know for me it started about 9 years ago after my divorce. How was I going to pay my bills with my current income. You see my income was an ok secondary income but it was by no means a supporting income. How was I going to save for retirement? I had maybe $20,000 saved in LIRA accounts from old employers. How much money will I need come retirement to live off of? I had no idea. I knew though that I needed to educate myself pronto in order to get some answers to my current plight and change the path that I was on.
I also knew that I needed to increase my income. I had been in administration for 20 years, I had a minimal increase in pay over that period. How as a women had I worked for over 20 years and made the same amount of money. My experience meant nothing. What was I going to do? Should I go back to school, and if so what do I take?
Needless to say I got the answers to my questions 3 years ago when I became in Independent Financial Broker with World Financial Group. I now have KNOWLEDGE on what steps I needed to take in order to save money tax free, how to make more money in 3 years than I had in 20 years. More education than I could have possibly received in a class room and all for a cost of under 150 dollars. Not only that but they taught me how to run my own business.
For those of you out there that are struggling, yes we are different than most traditional institutions. But look at our stats on where Canadians are at financially and ask yourself, "How well have they done educating Canadians"? Not very well. 9 out of 10 people that you know right now are not going to make it in retirement. They will be working until they die.
If 9 out of 10 people didn't come out of a hospital alive, how many of you would want to go in there. Think about it.
We have a fantastic part time or full time apprenticeship style training program.
I am looking for coachable, driven, willing to change their lives kind of people. So if it's you or if you know someone that needs my help, please connect with me or send me a message.
Have a stress free day!