What Does the Fight for Unity Mean to Me?
Chris Meroff
Best Selling Author of "Align" and "The Empathy Revolution" | Commerce for Kingdom | Entrepreneur | Public Speaker | Farmer | Investor
As I reflect on what the fight for unity means to me, I think of two key responsibilities. First, we must understand why unity is so important. As individuals and as a society, we are stronger when we stand together rather than divided. Unity allows us to accomplish great things.
The second responsibility is to understand productive ways to fight for unity. All too often, unity is seen as something that can only come through conflict. But true unity requires more than just overcoming disagreement—it requires finding depth of understanding between people. We must be willing to have constructive conflict in order to align our perspectives and unite behind shared goals and values.
In the past, my fight for unity has sometimes been hindered by my personality and passionate nature. I'm an enthusiastic person and want to fully express my views. But I've learned that allowing others to also be heard is crucial. Unity requires considering multiple viewpoints. No one person has a monopoly on good ideas.
Currently, one area I'm focusing on is giving people the time and space they need to thoughtfully engage. As a fast processor, I have to check my instinct to want quick resolutions. Other people may need silence to internally reflect before responding. I can't force unity through impatience or false conflicts. True unity emerges when all voices have been respected in the process.
I don't believe this fight for unity will ever be completely over. As individuals and as a society, we are constantly evolving as we take in new information and experiences. What brings us together today may divide us tomorrow if circumstances change. That's why unity must be an ongoing commitment—to regularly check in with others and ensure we are still walking the same path.
If more people were willing to fight for unity instead of against each other, I believe the positive impact would be immense. When large groups unite behind shared goals and values, incredible things can be accomplished quickly. Take our current political climate for example — staying in the middle and being open to many perspectives, rather than dividing along party lines, would allow us to build consensus around the best ideas. With unity comes commitment, buy-in and collective strength far beyond what any of us could achieve alone.
For me personally, the greatest cost of unity is humility—specifically, letting go of pride and the need to always get my way. True unity requires recognizing that others have valuable insights I may not possess alone. It means being willing to learn from many viewpoints rather than demanding only mine be heard. If we can check our egos at the door, unity has the power to heal divisions and help us progress as one.
This year, I chose to focus on the fight for unity as the theme for our annual conference because I see so much that needs mending. From a still-raging pandemic to political wounds to disconnected families and workplaces, division is everywhere I look. My hope is that by tackling unity head-on, through open and thoughtful dialogue, we can start to repair the tears in our social fabric and strengthen the bonds between us. The challenges may be great, but so too is the reward of walking together as one.
Let's embrace multiple viewpoints, give space for thoughtful engagement, and check our egos at the door. By joining forces and fighting for unity, we can mend the divisions in our society, at work, and at home. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the movement towards a stronger and more united future. Register today if you haven't yet and join me DCX Conference this October – let's make a difference together.?