What Does it Feel Like to "Love Your Work"??
What it feels like to love your work.

What Does it Feel Like to "Love Your Work"?

"Ok... let's try that again..."

Last weekend we completed our first career clarity workshop of the year here in Dallas.

Due to insane demand for our digital program, last minute rescheduling, and the fact that it was January, we suddenly went from ~4-5 participants all the way down to... one.

The fun part about doing a workshop for one is that what is usually three days of teaching and facilitating group discussion turns into three days of intense one-on-one coaching-- not for the faint of heart! Thankfully, our participant was up to the task.

On Day One, we jumped right in by helping her perform a life audit, do a deep dive on her core values, and turn those values into tangible commitments. All was going smoothly until the last exercise of the day: creating a vision for the future.

I challenged our newest Nth Degree student to cast her vision for the future using the lens of what was ideal in each major area of her life. I was very clear to encourage her to release her limiting beliefs and let go of other people's expectations. If ever there was a chance to "shoot for the moon, and land among the stars" this was it.

Ten minutes later, we were ready to debrief. I said, "Which part of your vision are you most excited about?!" with all the anticipation of a kid on Christmas morning waiting to open present #1.

That's when I knew we'd missed the mark.

Rather of the joyous outpouring of a person who's excited about her future, I heard a pause... a sigh... and a dreaded... "meh" response.


Instead of treating the exercise as what was ideal and possible in the future, she had settled for the best case scenario within her reality right now.

Not the point!

I encourage our student to try the exercise again. This time, instead of "making the most" of her situation, I invited her to consider what she would change in order to make her life ideal. I asked her to think about her career, not in terms of "accepting or tolerating what is" but in terms of what would bring her joy and satisfaction and fulfillment. I set her on the task of rewriting her future, and the difference was palpable.

Only moments later, I saw a shy smile creep across her face... her hand was writing furiously across the page as she captured the thoughts pouring through her pen. The energy coming off of of this woman was noticeably different-- stronger... more confident... more radiant.

Without any prompting she started to share her vision... and the words poured from her mouth just as they had from her mind to her pen.

That's when I knew we had nailed it.

Here's the thing, my friend-- loving your job is not just some "nice to have" idea that we're peddling over here. When you love your job, you don't sit around and eat bon bons all day. You actually show up differently. You have more energy. You display more joy. You radiate with fulfillment.

Even simply having this vision in mind is enough to create the physiological change.

Think about what would happen if you were actually living it...

Your time is now. If you're ready to show up as the best version of yourself and let go of whatever's holding you back, don't wait. Book a free 50-min call with me to learn more about our career clarity programs. These opportunities to receive a clarity breakthrough are better than ever. We've been perfecting the process over the last two years, and I'm proud to say I've never been more confident in what we do.

Grab your free slot now, before we fill up!

Remember... there's a niche our there that will fit you like a glove. But you're not going to force that clarity on yourself. Join us for an in-person workshop or our digital coaching program, now.

Be unstoppable,



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