What Does Facebook's Algorithm Change Mean For Entrepreneuers

What Does Facebook's Algorithm Change Mean For Entrepreneuers

Check this out...

Facebook just publicly announced they'll be shaking things up, as far as what shows up in people's newsfeed.

And guess what?

It doesn't look like it'll benefit entrepreneurs.

Mark Zuckerberg basically said...

We're going to show more status updates from friends and family, and LESS posts from businesses and brands.

Wow... talk about biting the hand the feeds you.

This will definitely hurt businesses who are heavily depending on reaching their audience through their Fan Page.

But fear not, Facebook isn't that dumb.

They still have to pay the bills and keep their shareholders smiling, by bringing in profits.

And that comes from paid advertising.

So while they're cutting off the oxygen for business related posts' organic reach, you can still continue building your empire with Facebook ads.

In other words...

You've gotta pay to play.


Build your own email list.

An asset YOU own, control and can monetise by clicking the 'send' button.

And one that can't be just taken away from you.

If you're not sure exactly how to do it...

Join me in my brand new course, where I'll be taking beginners by the hand, and walking them through step by step on:-

  • How to create your email list,
  • Build a list of adoring fans
  • Ready-to-buy and eager to join you prospects
  • How to get your readers to take action
  • The easy funnels to create when you're brand new
  • And so much more

Doors close Sunday 14th January so don't miss out on this exclusive introductory price and help you get better results in 2018, so you can save the rejection and excuses by having your ideal customers and prospects put themselves onto your list

Create an efficient follow up system that builds the relationship and trust for you

Giving you time BACK in your business.

If you're ready to get started, click here for full details and to save your spot

Talk soon



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