What does the EU do for youth?

What does the EU do for youth?

You have probably already heard a lot about the European Year of Youth 2022 (#EYY). Different youth campaigns and initiatives might sound familiar, such as Erasmus+, the EU Youth Dialogue, the European Youth Portal, European Solidarity Corps, and many more. What do they mean in practice?

This brief article emphasises how the EYY is a unique opportunity for young Europeans to start working and building their career, and how EURES can offer guidance in the process.

What is it about?

Overall, the EYY’s goal is to ensure young people have more and better opportunities for the future. In practice, this initiative aims at improving the chance to work, learn, and get experience. Doing so, the EYY places a strong emphasis on celebrating the fundamental role of young people for their future and the future of Europe.

Here is what the EYY can bring to young Europeans:

·??????Job opportunities & Traineeships

·??????Volunteering activities

·??????Cultural exchanges

·??????Solidarity projects

·??????Education opportunities

·??????Easier contact with other young people

·??????… so much more, check out the details: https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/european-year-youth-boost-opportunities-young-people-2022-2022-01-21_en

What is the best part of all these opportunities? You can go abroad. You are not limited to staying in your country. It is a unique way to learn and get some first-hand experience in a different culture than yours, which enriches not only your CV, but also your own personality and capabilities to live and work as a European citizen.

To understand the EYY’s importance, it is interesting to look at both its benefits, outlined above, as well as what you would miss by not acting on it. A young person who enters the labour market can encounter many challenges, especially abroad due to language barriers or lack of knowledge about the new country of residence. These limitations can be greatly lifted with initiatives such as the EYY and all of its projects.

Moreover, in case you wish to receive further guidance, more tailored to your situation and preferences, there are services which can help. This is where EURES comes in.?

How can EURES help?

Although you can find all the information online on how to work, volunteer etc., it can be daunting to take such important decisions alone.

Whether you already know what you would like to do, or if you are fully lost in your preferences, EURES offers all the necessary information as well as professional advisers who can help you, free of charge.

Check out traineeships-related news on its website: https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/european-year-youth-traineeships-2022-02-11_en

Contact a EURES Adviser and start taking an active role in the EYY: https://ec.europa.eu/eures/eures-core/um/page/public?#/adviser/search/list?countryId=

The role of young people should never be underestimated, and intercultural and multilingual exchanges should be cherished in order to preserve and assure Europe’s future. Apply now to your dream traineeship/job, to that volunteering trip you always wanted, or that educational program that interests you so dearly! Register now, the future starts today https://ec.europa.eu/eures/



