What does Ethos mean to you?
I got to return to CreativeMornings/Derby today as a speaker thanks to the lovely Hana York
If you've not been to a CM event before the basic gist is every month there is a theme which guides the talk for that month. October's theme is Ethos.
Ethos stuck out to me as a topic I'd love to explore actually because over the past few years I've been through some personal, and professional change and repositioning, generally, a search for meaning and that work smells a little like Ethos to me so that's what I wanted to explore.
We heard great responses in the room to the question 'What does Ethos mean to you? We looked at the official dictionary definition and even went back to 330bc and Aristotle's definition of ethos as someone's Character & Credibility.
But I wanted to share what Ethos means to me and how it shows up. To me:
your Ethos is your truth!
Those first principles are the unmovable truths at the centre of who you are and how you show up.?
I mean there's loads more to write about why it's important to do this self-exploratory work, how and why you need to be able to communicate it and the fluidity and elevation it brings to your life once you know your truth and live it, but no spoilers in this post because the good people at CM will publish the whole talk later and I'll add it below :)
So I'll leave you with one question for the weekend ...
What's your truth?
Cheers Tim